Herbal Remedies

Is it any surprise that in the hectic lives we lead today, that more and more people are becoming burnt out- both physically and mentally?

The incidence of depression, anxiety, and nervous breakdowns has increased significantly, proving that something must be wrong with our way of constant multi-tasking.

Now before you get all panicky and book an appointment with your psychologist or psychiatrist, did you know there are VERY effective natural remedies that can be employed in your quest for tranquility?

Whether it be to improve your quality of sleep following a hectic day, or when your nerves feel on edge – there is something for everyone. Continue reading

First, to answer the title question – are herbal remedies safe for children? The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that it depends on the herb and the problem the child is having.

When it comes to giving herbs to our children, many are uncertain and concerned. After all, children’s bodies are smaller than ours, so how do you know the right dosage? Following are some brief guidelines on giving herbs to children.

When in Doubt, Give Less

If you are unsure of a dosage, give the smallest possible dose. You can adjust the dosage to fit your child’s weight – the adult dose is usually for a 150-pound adult, so a 25 pound child would receive 1/6th the dose. Continue reading