Herbal Medicine

The earliest doctors were herbalists who used their extensive knowledge of plants to heal aches and ills in their communities. In ancient times, this practice was more superstition and guess-work than it was science.

Herbal medicine is becoming popular again as people try to turn their backs on artificial medicines and corrupt pharmacies but what do you need to know about herbal medicine?

Your Doctor is an Important Source

You should always talk to your primary care provider before you start to experiment with herbal medicine. There are many good reasons for this including: Continue reading

We use herbs to flavor our cooking, but they also have important nutritional benefits. The next time that you’re trying to make your food a little more interesting, think about the following ways in which you may also be making your food better for your body.

And keep in mind: There are countless herbs in the kitchen, each with its own nutritional strengths, and we’re only listing four benefits.

1 – A Healthier Way to Flavor Up Your Food

A 2015 article by the Washington Post points out one underrated health benefit of herbs: They flavor food.

When our food is too bland, we’re likely to load it up with things like fatty, sugary dressings, or unhealthy salt. Not only does salt cause our bodies to hold in water leading to high blood pressure, it also has no nutritional value whereas herbs and spices carry loads of important vitamins and minerals. Continue reading