Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine for Arthritis Pain & InflammationWhile medical science has changed and advanced a lot over the years, many patients prefer to take a more natural approach to their treatment.

Many of those that suffer from the pain and stiffness of arthritis don’t want to use prescription or OTC medications to treat it, due to the added side effects.

There are several herbal medications available to those with arthritis who would rather use the natural method to treat their arthritis, however, it’s crucial not to make your choice blindly.

While several of these herbs have been used for centuries, it’s important to research and consult with your doctor to ensure you’re getting the most out of your arthritis treatment. Continue reading

Aloe Vera is a long time used medicinal plant that has many uses in the area of natural healing.

While Aloe Vera is about 99% water, the remaining 1%, contains powerful nutrients that work together to provide various medicinal and health values.

These ingredients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, anthraquinones, enzymes, lignins, saponins, fatty acids, and salicylic acid.

Each one of these categories could have their article in their right, regarding the individual molecules and ongoing studies into their effects.

For the purpose of this article, we are going to look at how all the properties of Aloe Vera work together and the benefits they provide. Continue reading