Herbal Preparations

What is Infused Herbal Oil?There are two types of infused herbal oil: oil that is used for cooking and eating, and oil that is used for medicinal purposes, like essential oil. This information is going to be about the latter, showing you what infused herbal essential oil and how it can be used effectively.

The Basics of What Infused Herbal Oil Is

It helps to first cover the basics of infused herbal oil so you have a better idea of what it is and how it can help you. As mentioned, infused herbal oil is a type of essential oil that has been infused with one or multiple types of herbs.

They are often used to make beauty products, cleansers and lotions, and drops for the bath. Instead of extracting oil from the herb, you are taking a carrier oil and infusing it with the herbs to create these oils. Continue reading

How to Make Herb-Infused HoneyIf you have been using herbal remedies and natural medicine at all, then you already know the power of using honey for many of your health needs. Honey can be used in daily beauty routines, to reduce skin issues, and many other applications.

What you may not know is that you can increase the potency of your honey and the medicinal properties it provides by infusing it with different herbs. The trick is, how to do this. It is actually a simple process and can be done at home based on the remedy and need.

Start with Pure Honey

The key point to remember as a first step to making herbal infused honey is to start off with the right honey. You can not simply buy the little plastic bear from the store and hope it works. Most store bought and commercially processed honey is actually not honey but a mixture of sugar and syrups with only a small amount of honey or honey flavor. Continue reading