Insomnia can be broken down into two categories: acute and chronic. Acute insomnia includes mild and moderate cases. Chronic insomnia is defined as any case that lasts longer than a month and is more frequent than a day or two a week. There are a number of causes for each type.
Causes of Acute Insomnia
Acute insomnia can be primary or secondary; that is, having a specific underlying health cause.
The main cause of primary insomnia is stress. Stress can come from family, work or a combination of the two. We are all capable of dealing with small doses of stress, but big life events such as a new job, home, or baby will be happy experiences on the one hand, and stressful on the other.
Major changes in our lives can also cause insomnia or a break in our lifestyle and personal habits. Dealing with emotional issues such as the death of a loved one, a loss of job or a divorce can bring on a great deal of stress and result in insomnia. Continue reading
There’s nothing more miserable than tossing and turning due to insomnia. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to prevent it.
There are two main aspects of insomnia. The first one is trouble falling asleep. The second is having trouble staying asleep to get a full eight hours of high-quality sleep.
The Causes of Insomnia
The first step is to know what things cause insomnia so you can avoid them. They include:
- Too much stress
- Too much caffeine
- Bathroom habits
- A noisy environment
- Certain medications
- Certain medical conditions
- Poor sleeping habits
- An uncomfortable bed or bedroom