
If you have one or two sleepless nights per month, this is probably not a major cause for concern. But if you experience increasingly frequent bouts of insomnia, it might be time to consider seeing your doctor about your sleep issues.

But before you make an appointment, it may be helpful to track your sleep patterns so you can give your doctor as much meaningful data as possible. In this way, he can get to the bottom of the reasons for your insomnia and offer the most effective treatment suggestions.

A Sleep Diary

A sleep diary can be one of your best tools in your battle against insomnia. In it you will track your sleep habits, things you try in order to relieve your insomnia, and anything on your mind or in your life that you think might be contributing to your insomnia.

Once you have tracked your symptoms for several weeks or so, you will be able to bring your sleep diary with you to share your findings with your doctor. Continue reading