Men’s Health Info

Men differ from women because they tend to gain weight in one main area—the belly. This produces unhealthy and ugly love handles that more importantly increase the risk of chronic disease and premature death.

The Dangers of Belly Fat

The Mayo Clinic advises that weight loss is important in men because it has been shown that truncal obesity as is often seen in men is more difficult to get rid of and causes an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, various cancers, sleep apnea, metabolic syndrome and even premature death.

All Body Fat Is Not Equal

The fat that lies just beneath the surface of your skin is known as subcutaneous fat. Conversely, belly fat is known as visceral fat, named so because it builds up in the spaces between and around the viscera or the internal organs inside the intestines and your gut. Continue reading

The problem of alcohol in men is a big one. One survey showed that more than half of all men (about 55 percent) consume more than the recommended two drinks per day each week. About a third of all men consume twice the maximum amount of alcohol recommended per day in the recent weeks.

Men are more likely than women to binge drink, which is the consumption of alcohol in excess of 5 drinks in 2 hours or drinking to a blood alcohol level of 0.08 in a short period of time. About five percent of men are considered “at risk” because they drink in excess of 25 alcoholic beverages per week on a regular basis.

Men’s Alcohol Tolerance

It is a simple fact of physiology that men can drink more than women drink and not become drunk. Men process alcohol faster than women and thus tolerate more alcoholic beverages because they weigh more than women and have more body tissue to absorb the alcohol than do women have. Continue reading