Benefits of Meditation

This method of meditation refers to an actual method that you can easily practice in the comfort of your own home. Transcendental is often used in conjunction with some organizations, in the context of this article we are referring to the method.

The technique associated with transcendental meditation is one that should be practiced twice daily, for twenty minutes at a time. It is best done when in a sitting position with your eyes closed. It is a widely used method for anyone wishing to improve or self-develop any aspect of their life.

Meditation works when you allow your mind to stop racing and thinking random thoughts. Instead you slow your thinking down and start to become aware of your body and your mind. This is known as finding your inner self.

When you can get your body into the correct state you will find that you are more aware, your body begins to relax and rest more, and that your brain works more sharply.

Transcendental meditation is extremely popular and is practiced by approximately 5 million people around the world. This method of meditating is known as a natural method and is used across all age groups, cultures and religions. Continue reading

This is a widespread problem and stems from many different sources. Classroom stress can be attributed to children having low grades and feeling pressured because they are not good enough. It can also be caused by feelings of anxiety and depression.

Then there is the issue of bullying and violence in schools. Even teachers are reporting that they are suffering from burnout.

Learning today is done on computers and this can lead to information overload in some children. While this can be a great method for teaching, some children are using their computers for more than that, and not in a productive way.

All of these technological advances are great for students and teachers. One downside is that using computers and other mobile devices, doesn’t allow your brain any down time.

Even during recess and lunch breaks, children are busy on their phones sending text messages and chatting. When do they have time to spend a few minutes sitting quietly? Continue reading