Focus & Concentration

“I think I have ADHD.” Blaming your lack of focus and concentration on actual conditions people suffer from is not the way to go. While it’s not completely far-fetched to assume you may actually be suffering from some kind of mental issue given your inability to focus in stressful situations or concentrate during a business meeting, there are some things you could change in your daily life that could potentially improve your concentration.

So refrain from calling your doctor about ADHD just yet and try these tricks first, because it’s unlikely that you belong to the 4.5 percent of adults who have the condition.

While your brain is not exactly composed of muscle tissue, you could think of the mind as a muscle and through active training, you can strengthen its functionality, specifically when it comes to focus and concentration. The exercises, tricks, and lifestyle alterations listed below are great methods by which you can improve your concentration and focus and a daily and long-term bases. Continue reading

Focus! Concentrate! We hear it all the time but what does it actually mean?

When you are supposed to be keeping your attention on something, let’s say a video game for example, and you are so close to completing the level or attaining the goal, or finishing the race in first place, you think to yourself ‘focus, I can do this’.

When your teacher asked you to answer a math problem and you’re trying hard to figure it out but your friend keeps poking you in the side under the table, you start to giggle and forget the teacher for a second who shouts, “Concentrate!” But what exactly are these two words trying to get us to do?

Let’s have a look and see if we can figure it out together. Continue reading