Food for Thought

Staying on top of your game means feeding your brain what it needs to focus and function properly. Unfortunately, with today’s diet of fast food, soda, and sugar most brains aren’t getting what they need to function at their highest caliber.

What can you do to ensure that your brain is functioning as it should? Here are some tips for eating that will give you a sharper brain at any age.

Eat Your Berries

Berries are some of the best foods for you on the planet. Not only are they good for your body since they’re high in fiber and low in the glycemic index but they are also a very good brain food. Berries are have been linked to things like the reduce risk of Alzheimer’s and because of their high antioxidant content have been shown to reduce oxidative stress in the body. Continue reading

Consuming fish oil, such as trout and salmon (or taking an Omega-3 supplement) can help improve your memory. A new study has indicated that the fatty acid in fish can boost memory function by at least fifteen percent. With those conclusions, scientists are now expressing how important a fish-rich diet is for preventing dementia and maintaining optimal brain health.

Despite what you may believe, Omega-3 fatty acids are very important when it comes to weight loss, heart health, and yes, even brain health. These fatty acids can have many different powerful benefits to both your body and your brain.

Helps Fight Depression

Many people are diagnosed with depression – this is one of the most common mental disorders. Symptoms of depression include lethargy, sadness, and a loss of interest in things you once loved. Anxiety is also another common disorder, and this can be characterized by nervousness and constant worry. Continue reading