Healthy Brain
What could be more important than the health and well-being of your brain? From conception to grave, we are worried about our mental performance. Except for that middle bit where we are preoccupied with making money, working, and taking care of our families instead of ourselves, but there are simple, easy ways you can care for your brain health.
1 – Manage Your Stress
Stress is a big deal and can wreak havoc on all aspects of your life and your health. Stress is known to fatigue and seriously degrade the brain and its functions.
Stress has an immediate and negative effect on things like concentration, short-term memory storage, and decision-making, but the effects aren’t just short term. Chronically stressed people show slower response time, less brain mass and slower plasticity than there less stressed counterparts. Continue reading
When you think of brain burnout, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Surely, images of someone so burnt out that they become a vegetable with no brain function left.
Well, what if you were told that answer isn’t that far off what really happens?
During brain burnout, the brain’s emotional response is suppressed, as well as a general impression of having a short fuse.
The simplest way to cure this is usually embarking on a well-earned break from the stresses of everyday life.
Sometimes all we need is some fun and laughter to fix the universe back to how it was meant to be.
Here are a few ways how laughter and fun can cure your symptoms of brain burnout: Continue reading