Healthy Brain
When we are children growing up, our imagination is the key to an untold world. In fact, kids with more active imaginations have better brain health, and more likely to dream and strive for greater things as adults.
Too often, however, as we grow up, we are told to “get our heads out of the clouds” and that living in an imaginary world is not good for us.
However, stifling your imagination is the worst thing you could do for yourself, as it will only pave the way for accelerated aging, and a life that is left unfulfilled.
Not convinced of the utility imagination has for improving brain health?
Imagination Unleashes Creativity
Though many take creativity for granted, it is a trait not possessed by everyone. In fact, many people are classified as primarily “right brained” or “left brained” though if such a thing exists in reality is questionable. Continue reading
The world today is the noisiest it has ever been in history. And with noise, many sounds are cancelled, resulting in us missing some of the most important things in life. This little known scenario, has far reaching implications however, and is aptly known as “overstimulation.” The brain is the most efficient processor the world has ever known, capable of processing stimuli from a variety of sources, and often, too much.
Today’s stimuli extend far beyond what is natural however, with the advent of the internet, numerous handheld smart devices, and spread of technology like wildfire. Never before has mankind had so much at his disposal, but possibly to his peril. Not sure how serious overstimulation is? Let’s explore some ways our high tech world may be overstimulating our brains: Continue reading