Information Overload

Information can be a double edged sword in many instances. It can be great up to a certain point but sometimes there’s a point of no return when it is being fed to you in unhealthy quantities (Especially if it’s useless).

We as a society have to endure the constant supply of this information and it becomes overload when the focus is the opposite of quality information.

How it’s Damaging Our Health

There is good information and there is bad information. Many of us become overwhelmed by this information as we try to digest it all. It’s hard enough trying to digest any information, let alone differentiate whether it’s accurate vs inaccurate. Continue reading

Our brains are extremely complex, and they have the ability to store tons of information while allowing us to function on a daily basis (whether productive or not).

Now combine information overload with your brain functions and you’ve either got increased intelligence or brain burnout! Too much information overload can be overwhelming and even stressful, but your brain is an incredible filtering machine for any and all information.

Our Complex Brain…

Have you ever had so much thinking going on in your head that you just couldn’t think anymore? Well according to Sarah Bond Chapman, founder and chief director of the center for Brainhealth at the University of Texas at Dallas, the prefrontal cortex in the brain takes the load of this excessive information and will just kind of shutdown when there’s too much to process. Continue reading