Information Overload

Ever since the invention of the computer and its fast progression in both advancement and prominence, there have been millions of new ways to access information. We now have everything we could ever want or need to know right at our fingertips, and because of it, we’re approaching threats of information overload.

The University of California, San Diego reported that, in 2009, thirty-four gigabytes of information is consumed by the average American each day, be it by email, social media, television, communicating on the cell phone, etc.

That is two gigabytes more than the largest storage capacity available for an iPad Pro, to give you more of a tangible idea. Just like it sounds, information overload happens when you try to take in too much information for you to digest at once. Continue reading

We’ve all heard warnings of the potential downsides to our society’s dependence on technology. We’ve becoming so connected and, honestly, addicted to our devices that it’s beginning to affect our sleep, focus and attentiveness, and overall serenity and happiness.

While technology can be a wonderful way to stay connected to friends and relatives that live far as well as helping you stay organized and remain productive, it can also decrease your productivity, lower your learning retention, and cause you to become a little disconnected from the world around you.

In this article, we’ll explore the many ways in which technology is damaging your serenity and overall happiness. Continue reading