Memory Health
Our diet affects our physical body, which means it also nourishes our brain. We may not fully appreciate it, but the food we regularly consume also directly affects our mental function, including our memory. Therefore, keeping our body healthy is important for keeping our brain working at its best too.
Several foods and supplements can help boost memory and cognition, as well as lower our risk for dementia. However, some foods may wreak havoc on our brain health and can increase our chances of developing neurodegenerative diseases. Most of these foods that are bad for the brain are also simply bad for the body in general. So eating them rarely or completely removing them from your diet will not only benefit your brain but your entire body. Continue reading
Do you know that it’s possible to memorize the sequence of an entire deck of cards in just 12.74 seconds? Shijir-Erdene Bat-Enkh of Mongolia can, and holds the record for the most cards memorized in the shortest period of time. Other people hold records of other ‘memory’ achievements. How can people do this? How are they able to memorize hundreds of details so quickly?
Aside from years of dedicated practice to memory sport, there are several ways that our memory can be improved. You don’t have to compete in a memory sport event to improve your memory. Having a sharp recall can help us in several ways, and the best part is that most of the methods in which world champions use can also be applied in our daily lives. Continue reading