Memory Health

Our diet plays an integral role in how our brains work. There are certain vitamins and minerals found in food that can help boost mental functions, especially memory. However, getting these nutrients from our diet alone in the quantities needed may not be practical or even possible. The good news is that these brain powering vitamins and minerals are readily available in supplements.

Moments of forgetfulness are something that pretty much everyone experiences occasionally. However, if these become more regular we should determine why. It can be because of stress or it could also be due to aging. There are several ways that we can fight off brain decline, and one of which is through taking supplements that are known to be beneficial for brain health. Continue reading

“Richard of York gave battle in vain.”

“Men very easily make jugs serve useful needs.”

Do these statements make sense? Probably not. But are they familiar? To many of us, they could be. Both sentences, no matter how nonsensical and confusing they may be, actually serve a bigger purpose than being coherent. They are good examples of how mnemonics are used.

Mnemonics are different techniques that help us retain and remember information. We all have probably used a mnemonic device at some point in our lives, especially as students. The fact that we all use different mnemonic devices is a testament that they do actually work. Continue reading