Natural Skin Remedies

Rosacea commonly affects the face in the form of pimples, swelling, noticeable blood vessels and visible red splotches.

It’s a disorder that affects over 16 million people in the United States alone and is becoming increasingly more common within the baby boomer generation. It appears to be the age reached when you can become susceptible to the disorder.

Although there is no known cure for rosacea, it may be controlled with diet and some natural remedies to lessen some of the more serious and distressing effects of this skin disorder.

The physical ramifications of rosacea are bad enough for any sufferer, but it can also affect a person’s emotional health.

The emotional and sociological effects of rosacea may include loss of self-esteem and self-confidence, loss of interactions at work and avoidance of social engagements and any contact with the public.

Causes and Triggers of Rosacea

Some causes of rosacea and triggers that might cause a more severe episode include: Continue reading

Shingles is a condition which results from the same virus that causes chicken pox. Often, chicken pox occurs during childhood, however, when the chicken pox is gone, the zoster virus isn’t.

This virus can stay dormant in the nervous system. Occasionally, there are times when the zoster virus becomes active once again, thus causing shingles, which manifests as nerve and skin infections. It can also be painful. This condition usually affects older adults regardless of gender.

Here are a few natural remedies for shingles, that may come in handy!

Red Pepper

Red pepper contains capsaicin that helps to block pain signals and prevent it from reaching the brain. The use of capsaicin in treating shingles has long been proven to be effective, and it’s for this reason that capsaicin was approved for use in some commercial products for treating shingles.

You may also mix red pepper into any white skin lotion. Mix them well until the white lotion begins to turn pink in color. You may then dab on your shingles rash. Continue reading