
Just a hint of real maple syrup is used in the simple syrup for this recipe. This adds a hint of rich maple goodness, without overpowering the other flavors.

Prep time: 20 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes
Serves: 4


1 c. fresh or frozen blueberries
3 T. fresh mint, crushed
1-2 T. real maple syrup
3 T. honey, preferably local
3 c. water, divided
½ c. fresh lemon juice
1 c. club soda
Ice cubes, to serve Continue reading

Chai tea features a fragrant blend of brewed black tea and warm spiced milk. Here, the tea bags are steeped directly in the warm milk, rather than water, for a rich and satisfying treat. If preferred, you can also brew the tea first in one cup hot water and stir it into two cups of the warm, spiced milk before serving.

Although whole milk is used here, you can use your choice of milk, a combination of milk and heavy cream, or plant-based alternatives such as coconut or almond milk. However, be advised the plant-based alternatives will impact the final taste.

Note: Some chai latte recipes recommend ground spices rather than the cracked whole spices as described here. Although ground spices are a bit easier to use, they can leave an unpleasant gritty residue behind even after straining. Continue reading