Healthy Oatmeal Recipies

What would happen if you mixed two of the world’s oldest and most beloved foods? Well, the outcome would have a very high likelihood of being dates mixed with oatmeal. These two foods have graced the pages of the world’s oldest stories, and yet still exist to deliver wonderful flavors for us today.

Not only is this grouping of foods healthy, it also fits into the current trends for healthy food in that it’s also gluten free. Feel free to check out this recipe for delicious date overnight oats.

What You Need

2 cups rolled oats
2 cups water
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 teaspoon lemon juice Continue reading

Are you looking for a lighter oatmeal recipe? Sometimes oatmeal recipes can tend to lean heavy on the buttery goodness side, while they are lacking in the light fluffy, healthy side of food.

A lighter feeling oatmeal with a few servings of sweet fruit is likely to help you to feel a lot more energized after eating the carbs in the oatmeal, and your blood sugar won’t spike as heavily causing you to feel tired suddenly in the middle of the day.

If you want to something healthy and easy to digest, then you can take a look at this recipe for berries and cream oatmeal.

What You Need

2 Bowls of prepared oatmeal
1 cups fresh strawberries cut Continue reading