Recipes with Apple Cider Vinegar

Most people who are part of the natural health movement know that apple cider vinegar has a multitude of benefits that can help you to achieve health goals and help cleanse the body, but some don’t yet know that there are options other than simply drinking it in a glass of water.

Apple cider vinegar drinks can be quite delicious. At this point, you’re probably wondering how drinking vinegar could taste good at all! So, here’s some to try out for yourself:

Lemon Water ACV Drink

This totally classic ACV drink is probably one that some people are aware of, but it’s included here for people that are coming across this recipe for the first time.

This drink should do a bit of work once it hits your stomach as many of the ingredients have the ability to trigger metabolic function and arouse parts of the digestive system that assists in fat burning. Continue reading

Smoothies are a great way to get fast nutrition and jumpstart your metabolism in the morning. These drinks provide a powerful punch of antioxidants and small amounts of protein to get your day off to a good start, but how can you make them even more beneficial?

One way that you can boost the benefits of smoothies even further would be to add apple cider vinegar to the mix. ACV gives you access to a wide range of health assets that can have far reaching effects for days to come.

This acidic liquid can actually help alkalize your body especially when mixed with fruits and vegetables.  Here are a few recipes for you to try:

First, Get Prepped

For ease and cost effectiveness, most of these recipes will call for frozen fruit. This is good because frozen fruit won’t go bad as quickly as fruit that is stored in the refrigerator. Continue reading