Sheet Pan Recipes

If you’re looking for a healthy and satisfying alternative to fried potato chips, you are in the right place. These crispy kale chips are super easy to make, but there are a couple things to keep in mind before you begin:

The first consideration is finding the right combination of oven temperature and cooking time. These chips will burn very quickly, so keep a close eye on them, especially the first time you make them.

Here, a 325-degree oven and 6-7 minutes was all that was needed to yield crispy chips that weren’t soggy or overly bitter and brown. However, you’ll want to test this closely in your own oven to find the right balance.

Next, the kale needs to be completely dry before popping it in the oven. Moisture left on the leaves can create steam, which leads to soggy chips. Also, don’t overdo it on the olive oil. Add a small amount and massage it in until each leaf is very lightly coated. If more oil is needed, add it in very small increments until each leaf is coated. Continue reading

For best results, use a larger three-quarter size sheet pan instead of a standard 13” x 18” half sheet pan for this recipe.

This will allow the vegetables enough room to be spread into a single layer without overcrowding, while keeping all ingredients to one single pan.

Keeping all ingredients on a single sheet pan is important in this case because the juice from the chicken and lemon wedges will mingle with the fresh herbs to infuse the potatoes, onion, and kale with incredible flavor while cooking.

Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 40-47 minutes
Serves: 6 Continue reading