Reclaim Your Youth with Fitness

We’re living in a world where everyone wants everything immediately. We have fast food restaurants on every corner, the ability to shop on our phones, live streaming sports events and nearly everything we need at our fingertips.

Throw into the mix the plethora of junk food that is available for us to purchase and consume and it’s really no wonder that, worldwide, we continue to get more and more overweight and obese.

Because everything is so convenient, the output required to get things we want is minimal, if not zero. Instead of walking to the store, or spending a few hours trotting around a mall doing some shopping, we order our groceries online and buy new clothes and furniture at the click of a button. Continue reading

There’s an old adage that says you’re never too old to start something new. When it comes to exercise, this is no exception. While you may have never really been very active for the majority of your life, it’s never too late to start incorporating exercise into your lifestyle and reaping the benefits.

While you may think you need to have the drive of Arnold Schwarzenegger or the flexibility of Stretch Armstrong, think again.

Getting active and exercising is actually pretty simple and can be tailored to fit your likes.

An important first step in beginning to exercise is to first seek medical clearance. Make an appointment with your doctor before you begin. He/she will be able to tell you if there are any medical conditions or limitations you should be aware of that could impact your health or ability to exercise. Continue reading