Chronic Stress

It’s no secret that many people turn to food as a means of comfort when they feel stressed out, but there’s good news, food can keep you calm when you’re under pressure. Before you get carried away, though, you should know that doesn’t mean heading out for fried chicken or mac and cheese.

That type of eating will lead to anxiety and guilt. No, there are foods that reduce stress and boost your levels of happiness! Your diet can help you fight stress!

Food Types that Fight Stress

High in Fiber, Rich in Carbohydrates

Serotonin is a hormone that contributes to relaxation and according to researchers from MIT (On Brain Serotonin, Carb Craving, Obesity And Depression, Wurtman) carbohydrates are believed to trigger it (remember, there are healthy sources of carbs). Continue reading

Your world is full of stressors and while a short burst of stress here and there is normal and a part of life, chronic stress is a whole other matter.

Exposure to long-term stress can alter your genes, increase inflammation in the body, and cause a wide variety of serious health issues that affect the body and mind.

Learning how to cope with stress in healthy ways is vital to reducing and managing stress, however, there is a variety of unhealthy methods often used by people, who may not even realize that are doing so.


For the purposes of this list, vices include drinking, smoking, and general substance abuse, none of which do anything to actually alleviate stress levels. Continue reading