Chronic Stress
Stress is something that we all deal with. And we all have our own ways of dealing with it. One of the most common ways that people deal with stress, especially chronic stress, is eating.
When we are stressed, our bodies release a stress hormone called cortisol, as well as the hunger hormone, ghrelin.
Ghrelin stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain, which tells the body that it wants to eat. Cortisol is what triggers our cravings for foods that are salty, sweet, and fried.
In other words, when you are feeling stressed, you suddenly have a strong appetite and an intense desire for foods that give you a burst of energy and pleasure.
However, how do you know when you are eating out of hunger and when you are reaching for food because you are stressed? Continue reading
Everyone doing the nine-to five grind has to deal with similar issues at work, the office politics, the great or not so great boss, hierarchical challenges, conflicts of interests, and miscommunication.
Expectations, deadlines, achievements, and goals can all add up to a bucket full of stress, more than you’d like to be carrying.
Choosing ways to reduce the load is a great way to work smarter rather than harder. Here are five ways you can reduce the pressures at work to lower your stress levels:
1 – Recognize What You Can and Can’t Control
The well-known Serenity Prayer can be useful for all, whether you are a recovering alcoholic or not! “God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, courage to change the things we can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Continue reading