Establish a Good Bedtime Routine

Why You Should Ban Screens From Your BedroomYou know it’s better to avoid using your phone or tablet in the hours before you go to bed. I hope you’re making strides towards putting your phone away at night, but I would like to suggest taking it a step further and banning all screens from your bedroom. Instead, make it a sanctuary designed for sleep and maybe another bedroom activity.

There are some very good reasons why you should keep screens out of your bedroom. First, let’s talk about what type of screens. The obvious one is a TV or computer. Unless there is no other way, keep them out of your bedroom.

If you need to have a computer in there because the bedroom is also your home office, power everything off and unplug it before bedtime. There will be no blinking lights or fans coming on that could disrupt your much deserved rest. You also won’t be tempted to sneak one last check of email or to turn on the TV to catch up on your favorite TV show when you should be sleeping. Continue reading

Getting Comfy - Temperature, Touch, Sound & ScentIt’s time for bed and you’re ready to get comfy and drift off to sleep. The more conductive you can make your bed and your bedroom to sleeping, the easier it will be to rest and actually fall asleep. Let’s talk about a few simple things you can do to create a better sleep environment.

One of the easiest things to change and improve for most of us is the temperature. It’s easier to sleep at cooler temperatures. Turn down your central heat or air down a degree or two when you head to bed. Make sure you’re dressed appropriately. Light pajamas when it’s warm and a blanket that will keep you warm enough, but not sweating in the middle of the night.

If it’s cool outside, consider opening the windows for a bit before you go to bed to let some fresh air into the room, or consider sleeping with the window cracked open. There’s something about it that makes for a restful night. Of course, you should ignore this advice if you have allergies and fresh air causes you to sneeze or gives you a stuffy nose. Continue reading