Fix Fatigue
If you are feeling tired all the time it may be that your hormones are out of balance. Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms of a hormonal imbalance, however, it’s essential to consider other potential causes as well and seek appropriate medical evaluation and treatment if fatigue persists. In other words, don’t self-diagnose!
Here are some of the hormones, that if are showing an imbalance, may be causing your tiredness.
Thyroid Hormones – Regulating Your Metabolism and Energy
We’ve listed this one first because it is certainly a common one, especially for women. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism and energy production. If the thyroid is underactive, which is known as hypothyroidism, it can cause your metabolism to slow down and tiredness to set in. Continue reading
It’s probably safe to say that you have faced many challenging situations in your life. You have probably had to face them more often than you would like!
Difficult situations can trigger your inbuilt alarm system and cause you to feel heightened levels of stress. Stress is normal. We all feel it at some point. It’s your body’s way of protecting you from possible physical or emotional danger, however, constant exposure to stress can lead to lower energy and fatigue.
Understanding the impact stress can have on your health and wellbeing, and more importantly, learning how to manage it, will help you feel more energetic and less tired.