Sleep Tight

As you know, a number of parts must come together to ensure you fall asleep, and then stay asleep. For example, you need to be comfortable – a supportive pillow is a necessity, as is a comfortable bed and quiet sleeping area. You also want to be the right temperature.

Perhaps you try to achieve that by sticking one foot out of the blanket, while keeping the other one covered. These are all things that set the stage for getting the slumber you desire and need.

However, if you continually have trouble with your sleep, you may want to try something different – sleeping in the buff. According to a past survey, only 8% of Americans admit to sleeping naked. However, it appears to influence your health in so many positive ways, that experts recommend you give it a try.

Here are the health benefits of not wearing pajamas to bed: Continue reading

You already know that you should not be on your smartphone and other devices at least one to two hours before you plan to go to sleep. This is because blue light emitted from them interferes with melatonin – a sleep hormone – production.

However, did you ever think that there could be something else sinister in your home that is negatively impacting your sleep and overall health? It’s something that you cannot see, but it’s ever-present almost everywhere you go, including your bedroom. It is electromagnetic waves!

But What Exactly are Electromagnetic Waves?

These are waves that travel through space and are present here on earth. Various kinds of these waves exist. Your favorite radio station and garage door opener operate on radio waves. Your microwave oven uses microwaves. Continue reading