Sleep Tight

In order for a person to transition from wakefulness to sleep, they must be in a relaxed state. Many people find it difficult to enter a relaxed state to sleep and some find it difficult to maintain a relaxed state throughout the sleep cycle, causing them to wake during their sleep period.

The inability to relax and experience a restful sleep is known as condition Insomnia, and it affects millions of Americans, 6% to 10% of all adults.

Chronic insomnia can have serious health risks, including, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure, and diabetes. It can also lead to depression and anxiety disorders. Additionally it can contribute or lead to overweight, obesity, and increased risk of accidents while driving. Continue reading

According to the American Psychology Association a “Stress in America,” survey, conducted in 2014, found that stress affects half of Americans.

In the survey, 42% of Americans admitted that they are not effectively managing their stress, and 40% were struggling to sleep due to stress.

It is one of the top contributors to insomnia, and New York’s Sleep Medicine Clinic discovered that 30% of adults are dealing with it at any given time.

Stress makes it difficult to wind down; it makes it hard to relax physically, not only before sleep, but during it as well.

Unfortunately, missing out on sleep can aggravate stress, which has an effect on both physical and mental health, which is detailed by the National Institute of Health. Stress and insomnia work in tandem to create a cycle of misery. Continue reading