Stress Relief
Music has the power to soothe and improve our moods, we all know that, which is why music therapy is being used by more health professionals today, as a natural treatment for stress.
Relaxing Music Causes a Reduction in Cortisol Levels
It has been proven that people experience a greater reduction in their cortisol levels when music therapy is used, than those who do not partake in this therapy. Experts say that music can help stimulate a person’s brain waves enabling them to resonate with the strong beat.
Music with faster beats were found to make people develop stronger concentration and improved alertness. Importantly for stress relief, music with a slower tempo works best in promoting a meditative state while also providing feelings of calmness. Continue reading
The various effects of chronic stress on the mind and body mean that there is no one simple solution to dealing with or alleviating symptoms.
Also, what works for one person may not be as effective for another, so anyone dealing with the effects of stress is well advised to research various tried and tested coping mechanisms.
As each person constructs their own resource of remedial actions, they will find that those that work for them also add strength and synergy to their other supporting behaviors.
In the past some people have been skeptical of the claimed benefits of using aromatherapy techniques for stress relief. However, continued evidence from scientific studies as well as anecdotal reports have shown the effectiveness of aromatherapy in helping people who are plagued with the adverse effects of stress, especially chronic stress. Continue reading