Fat Burning
When you choose what you want to drink as you are working on losing weight, you should also be thinking about what could burn the most fat. This is when you are going to go from occasional weight loss to continued weight loss. Here are some fat burning drinks to try out:
Green Tea
If you choose just one drink aside from water, it should be green tea. This is so good for you, can easily be flavored with honey or skim milk, and provides a lot of energy. Green tea also has tons of other health benefits, like improving your skin, increasing your metabolism, and helping to clean out your system.
Green tea also happens to contain a lot of antioxidants, and most varieties are caffeine-free. Try to have at least one cup of green tea, but feel free to enjoy as many cups as you like.
Skim Milk
While there is no reason you can’t have whole milk, skim milk does tend to be a better beverage when you are losing weight and burning fat. Skim milk is going to be lower in fat and calories, so you can get the much needed calcium and other nutrients from milk, without actually affecting your weight loss in a negative way. Continue reading
Infused water is a type of water that includes fruits, vegetables, and herbs that are infused in the water for added flavor. It is easy to make and is a great way to use produce without actually eating it. The following infused water recipes are great for losing weight and burning more fat.
Apple and Cinnamon
Both apple sand cinnamon are good ingredients to use when you want to burn more fat. Cold water also happens to be good for burning fat and calories and increasing your energy levels throughout the day. So make this infused water the night before, keep the pitcher in the fridge, and you will be ready to turn yourself into a fat-burning machine with delicious water.
All you need to do is add some sliced apples to the bottom of the pitcher, being sure no seeds are present, then one cinnamon stick. This is much better than powdered sugar for water so it doesn’t cause clogs or clumps in the water. Let it sit overnight with filtered water and that’s it! Continue reading