Lose Belly Fat

Have you ever heard of the cherry diet? It’s becoming more popular nowadays because it’s incredibly easy to follow. There is only one rule to this diet – to eat cherries every day and/or to drink fresh cherry juice.

Although they are more popular for their taste, researchers are now seeing that cherries are actually extremely healthy as well. The bioactive components and nutrients found in this fruit are linked to the prevention of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease.

However, not only will they protect you from various health conditions, but cherries will also make it easier for you to accomplish your weight loss goals. There are a few reasons why cherries help promote weight loss.

First of all, they don’t contain a lot of calories (the average cherry contains 5 calories). Although a lot of other fruits contain fewer calories, it’s worth noting that cherries aren’t considered to be high-calorie foods. You can easily satisfy your hunger with a dozen cherries, which roughly amounts to 60 calories.

Cherries do a good job of satisfying your hunger because they are rich in fiber. All weight-loss diets that exist suggest that you should consume more fiber, since this nutrient isn’t easily digested by your body. Continue reading

The midsection is the most common problem area for women when it comes to carrying a few extra pounds.

Usually, belly fat is difficult to making it one of the most frustrating types of weight to carry.

Try as they might, many women have a difficult time losing belly fat despite their best efforts.

While some may tack this up to just not doing enough, there are actually a few concrete reasons why your progress could be stalled when working to lose belly fat.

The following problems and factors can contribute to the difficulty surrounding this form of weight loss for women.

Do any of these apply to you?

Not Knowing How to Manage Your Stress

One of the characteristics of stress is that it can wreak serious havoc on your bodily systems. When left unchecked, stress can literally fester within one’s body, causing them to weaken their immune system, hold onto weight, and feel run down. Continue reading