Lose Belly Fat
You wake up one morning and find that your pants do not fit you as well as they did before, and whenever you wear those skinny jeans, you get marks on your waist and belly. Those are not good signs, and chances are, you have too much belly fat.
Not All Fats are Bad
Before we continue, let us make one thing straight – not all fats are bad for the body. In fact, fats are essential parts of the human system because they act as cushions for certain organs to protect them from getting damaged.
Fats also play a vital role in keeping the body warm especially during the winter season. Having said that, getting too much of a good thing can be bad, and this applies for fats too.
How Belly Fat Can Be a Health Hazard
Visceral fat, or what is more commonly known as belly fat, is not one of those “good” fats. Continue reading
Still fretting about the extra baggage of fat sticking around your stomach? Well, worry not for we present to you a list of seven superfoods to help you fight belly fat and keep you fit and feeling good. So let us take a look.
Almonds are absolutely essential in your fight against fats. Packed with plenty of healthy fats, Vitamin E and magnesium, almonds help in mitigating hunger, obesity, and keeping your blood pressure at normal levels. They also play a part in combating a number of noxious diseases, even the likes of heart disease and the killer cancer.
Beans are stuffed with nutritious proteins and fibers that help cut your belly fat by keeping it full. Frequent intake of beans also aids in developing muscles, regulating digestion, and losing weight. Beans are easy to incorporate in your daily diet: you can stuff them in soups, salads, and burritos. Beans and pulses also help in eliminating colon cancer, diabetes and obesity. Continue reading