Low Carb Weight Loss

Over the years, eating a low carb diet has grown in popularity, but what many of these low carb diets fail to include is how important it is to make sure that you have a high protein food intake.

Lowing your carbs isn’t enough for you to lose weight and keep it off for the long term. That’s because carbs and protein actually work together to achieve weight loss success and one without enough of the other simply doesn’t work.

The Protein-Carb Myth Busted

The focus of some low carb diets has always been to cut out anything that’s above a certain carb level – and that included protein. In fact, some protein foods were put in the “do not eat” category and strategically avoided.

Most people assume that by eating low carb, that they’re getting enough of their daily intake of protein. But many people aren’t – and that lack of protein is thwarting your weight loss efforts.

The reason your efforts have been thwarted is because you might have thought that by eating protein, you were eating high calorie, fattening foods. Most people don’t understand the nature of protein and how the body uses it. Continue reading

When you’ve decided to lose weight, you can structure an eating plan on your own or you can find a low carb diet that you can customize to your lifestyle. Having a diet that’s tailored to suit your needs and preferences will make dieting easier.

With all of the numerous diets you hear about, knowing which diet is the best one for you can be tough. But you can compare the 5 best low carb diets to see which one will suit your lifestyle to help you lose weight.

The Atkins Diet

This diet is one of the most popular low carb weight loss plans you’ll find. Numerous studies have detailed multiple cases of long term weight loss success on the Atkins Diet because the focus is on healthy eating of low carbs while centering meals around fatty proteins, good for the body fats and vegetables.

When you decide to choose this diet, you’ll go through it using their four steps referred to as phases. In the first phase, which is called the Induction, people who want to lose weight eating low carb have to make sure that they keep their carb intake at less than 20 grams.

The focus is on consuming foods that are loaded with protein found in meats like beef, chicken, pork and other meats. Though some of the meats in the Atkins Diet are high fat, this is not an oversight. Continue reading