Permanent Weight Loss
When it comes to things you should do to lose weight, the list can stretch across the continent and back, and indeed, many are good suggestions.
However, many will not work simply because they do not focus on cultivating the habits necessary for long-term weight loss.
Considering the cabbage soup diet? Sure, it will work for a few days. Maybe you will lose a pound or even 5, but you cannot follow it forever, and you will likely regain the weight you lost and more after going to back to eating as usual.
To achieve true long-term weight loss, invest your time and effort into learning and mastering the basics, because a strong foundation paves the way to success.
1 – Clean the Junk Out of Your Cupboards
Hungry? That box of breakfast cereal looks delicious doesn’t it? That’s the kind of temptation you will have to deal with every single day when hunger strikes. Continue reading
Knowing when you need to lose weight should be obvious. But sometimes our self-image is different from what we see in the mirror. Or maybe you don’t step on the scale regularly. And sometimes our lives are so busy that our exercise and healthy eating takes a backseat, letting the weight creep on. You can take control by looking for the signs that you need to lose weight.
1 – Physical Activity is Challenging
Do you feel tired climbing up a staircase? Do you get winded from the tiniest bit of exercise or get out of breath just doing regular activities? Then it’s time to start thinking about losing weight.
When you carry extra weight, that weight places excess strain on your heart, forcing it to work harder. Physical activity demands even more oxygen, making it hard for your heart to keep up. If you become winded easily when doing simple daily activities like walking across a parking lot, it’s time to consult a weight loss doctor. Continue reading