Permanent Weight Loss
Reaching a healthy weight can be a challenging journey but the one thing that you have to keep in mind is the many rewards and benefits that are waiting on the other side.
If you’ve just recently decided to start losing weight, know that you will face challenges.
However, the one thing that you have to keep in your mind is that weight loss comes with numerous health benefits.
Just by reaching and maintaining a healthy weight, you will not only feel mentally stronger, but you will also reduce the risks of suffering from a variety of diseases that are associated with obesity.
Apart from that, you will also have a chance to experience how life can change in very significant, ways. To motivate you to continue losing weight, here are 10 awesome things you can look forward to as soon as you reach a healthy weight. Continue reading
Like everything, there are myths that somehow get started around weight loss. Anyone who has tried slimming down has had the misfortune of struggling through all the conflicting weight loss advice. Every new diet is always the answer: Go high-fat, low-carb. Cut out dairy. Eat only Greek yogurt. And so on. It can be mind-boggling.
Here are nine myths about weight loss, and the truth behind them.
1 – “Carbs will make you gain pounds.” Some people think that carbohydrates make you gain weight because they bind water which leads to bloating. Empty carbs found in processed foods and sugary treats are easy to overeat, which can lead to added weight. However, complex carbs such as vegetables, whole grains and legumes will fill you up without adding extra weight.
2 – “Indulging is a no-no.” Never having your favorite food again the rest of your life is just not reasonable and sustainable. If you really crave your favorite food, have a small bite, savor it and move on. Continue reading