Permanent Weight Loss

Acupuncture has been used in Chinese and Eastern medicine as a complementary therapy for many hundreds of years. It is based on the idea that the body’s qi (life energy) flows through the body through channels called meridians.

When these channels are blocked, illness and pain appear in the body. Acupuncture involves inserting extra fine needles into parts of the body to unblock the meridian, allowing the qi to flow in. Acupuncture has gained popularity within western societies since the 1960s and has been used to complement conventional medical practices.

In recent years, there has been an increase in the use of auricular acupuncture to help aid weight loss. This involves needles being inserted into the outer ear, this part of the body is used because it is believed that they outer ear represents the entire body, so stimulating key points with needles and magnets inserted or placed around it would help to suppress the appetite and stimulate the metabolism. Continue reading

If you’ve ever had a physical check-up, you’ve probably been told what you BMI was. But do you know what BMI actually is? BMI stands for Body Mass Index.

It is a scale health professionals use to measure fat based on how your weight relates to your height. It applies to most adults aged 20 or older.

BMI is most often used as a screening tool to indicate if a person is at their ideal weight for their height or if they are underweight, overweight or obese. It helps health professionals determine if a person’s health risks are increased because of their weight.

A BMI test is simple and inexpensive, and is a non-invasive way to measure body fat. It’s a reasonable indicator of body fat in both adults and children.

BMI in children and adolescents between 2-20 years old is interpreted in relation to the child’s age and gender. Continue reading