Healthy Metabolism

If your metabolism is slower than it should be, you can give it a boost with certain foods. Diet controls our health in so many ways and it is easy to fix many a problem just by eating the right foods at the right time.

Here are a few foods you can add to your metabolism boosting diet.


Some major prerequisites for a revved-up metabolism include ingesting plenty of protein and fiber. Therefore, the regular consumption of beans can greatly help power up your metabolism.

Beans are loaded with protein that require more calories to digest compared to many any other macronutrients. When you consume beans, you will be ingesting plenty of protein and this will naturally make your body burn more calories each day. Continue reading

The middle-age spread certainly does or can occur, however, we all have the power (if not the will) to stop it from happening. If you’re worried that it has or will affect you, the following lifestyle tips will prove helpful indeed.

Keep Your Portion Sizes In Check

One way to ensure that you do not go overboard with your portion size is to use a smaller plate, and make a conscious decision prior to eating not to have a second helping.

To help you with your portion control, a meat portion should be no bigger than the size of your palm. If you are eating carbs, vegetables and fruits, each meal size should be no bigger than the size of your fist.

Are you now looking at your fist and thinking your current meal sizes are twice, or three times that? If so, you may be surprised to learn that your body really only needs to eat that much food, unless of course you are an athlete in training. Continue reading