Keto Diet Success
With many diet plans, it’s difficult to eat anywhere other than your own home. Even going to a friend or family member’s house can be difficult when you’re trying to adhere to a program and nobody else is. You’re not in control of the food as much.
With restaurants – whether fast food or a sit down restaurant, you have some ability to request your foods to a tailored cooking method. But many people simply don’t know how to order for their diet plan when they’re out.
The process is simple, really – you just have to be careful when ordering. For example, watch for things like sauces and breading and even condiments that might bring you out of ketosis.
Sometimes, what you want to order won’t be on the menu per se. They might have a grilled chicken smothered in gravy with mashed potatoes on the side. So you have to tailor the order to your keto needs. Continue reading
Whenever you go on any diet, the urge to quit is strong. After all, you’ve spent a long time nurturing bad eating habits. Choosing a highly restrictive diet like a ketogenic one is even harder for some people.
The key is to pick a diet plan that will work best for you. If you really want to lose weight fast and select a keto diet, then there are some things you can do to strategically prevent yourself from falling off the wagon and adhering to the diet until you reach your weight loss goals.
The first thing is to track everything. One of the biggest problems people have are the sneaky carbs that are in things like ketchup. Tracking ensures you don’t accidentally knock yourself out of ketosis, get frustrated with a lack of weight loss, and quit. Continue reading