Whole Food Plant Based Weight Loss

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have likely heard a thing or two about the benefits of a plant based diet.

Not only is it great for your immune system, your skin, and overall health, but it can also help you to lessen or even reverse conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol, and even cancer.

And, because you are flooding your body with everything that it needs for optimum health, many people claim that eating a whole food plant based diet has given them a natural glow and boundless energy.

But believe it or not, while all of these benefits are great, they are not the primary reason most people embrace the plant based lifestyle.

Yes, these benefits are amazing and yes, they are life changing, but for many people there is something else that made them choose plant based eating, the effortless weight loss. Continue reading

You probably understand what plant based foods are. These are non-animal sources of food like vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts and berries.

Pretty much everyone understands the difference between food that comes from animals and foods that come from plants. Not so many people are sure about the meaning of the term “whole foods”.

The common way that many people define whole foods is …

“Whole foods are as close to their natural state as possible.”

What does that mean for you? It means that you should try to eat foods that are minimally processed. In other words, foods that are as clean and natural as they possibly can be.

If you were to take a carrot out of the ground, clean it off and eat it, you would be enjoying a naturally nutritious, healthy, whole food that is plant based. Continue reading