If you are a person who once smiled with pearly white teeth, and now don’t like your yellowing smile, here are some natural ingredients and methods of teeth whitening.

Activated Charcoal

Using charcoal as a teeth whitening component is currently becoming a trend in wellness circles. They use activated charcoal as an ingredient in toothpaste and also as a capsule and powder. These can be purchased online, in drugstores, or in natural food stores.

Activated charcoal is a food-grade oxidized version of charcoal, which is made from coconut shells, wood, and other raw materials. It is oxidized under intense heat to make it into a fine powder. The capsule and powder forms are mixed with water to make it a paste. Use it to brush your teeth and wait for 3 minutes, then rinse it and brush again using regular toothpaste.

The Pros and Cons of Activated Charcoal

It is used curatively because it is highly absorbable and can remove toxins. However, there is still no scientific evidence that it has a whitening effect on teeth. But it has a cleaning effect because it is slightly abrasive and can absorb surface stains, but not below the teeth’s enamel. To properly whiten your teeth, it has to work not only on the surface but also on deep-seated stains below your enamel.

Since charcoal is abrasive, it may not be good to use charcoal toothpaste every day. Your tooth enamel may wear out earlier and expose the dentin, the second layer of your tooth. Make sure you choose one with a Dental Association’s Seal of Approval because it is safe, beneficial, and will not cause damage to your enamel.

Other Natural Teeth Whitening Options

In case you are not inclined to use activated charcoal as a teeth whitener because it can be messy, here are some other natural teeth whitening solutions you can choose from.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a well-known home remedy to whiten teeth. It can remove stains because it is acidic. Before swishing, dilute one teaspoon of ACV in a small cup of water. Gargle it for 3 minutes, then rinse your mouth. Only use diluted, and not too often, as the acid can attack tooth enamel.

Baking Soda

Also known as Sodium Bicarbonate, this can gently scrub away stains. Dip the toothbrush into it or brush with toothpaste and baking soda together. You can use it alone but avoid brushing too hard and make small circular movements to keep your gums safe from damage. Just add water and make it a paste before rubbing it on your teeth for two minutes and rinse.

Epsom Salts

Gargling Epsom salt mixed in warm water for a few minutes kills bacteria that stain and damage the teeth. You can also brush your teeth with it by dipping your toothbrush in the Epsom salt first.

Foods to Help Keep Your Teeth Whiter and Brighter

There are also foods that people use to help keep their teeth naturally whiter and healthier. Apples are one most of us know about. Crunching on an apple helps clean the teeth but can also assist in keeping them whiter. Other watery and fibrous foods can also be effective.

Here are a few more for you to try:

Banana Peels

One byproduct, which you don’t normally eat, is the banana peel. It has been proven to help whiten teeth and reduce stains. You can use the peel from a ripe but not discolored banana. Just rub the insides of the peel on your teeth for a few minutes. Then brush your teeth afterward.


Consuming fresh celery and other crunchy veggies can help prevent discoloration. Their texture rubs your teeth’ surface and cleans the gaps of little particles. The water content in vegetables washes inside your mouth.

Guava Leaves

Guava leaves contain beneficial components such as flavonoids and phenols. Aside from reducing plaque-causing bacteria and swelling, they lighten tooth stains. Wash the leaves first, crush them to make a paste and then apply to your teeth. Wait a minute and rinse.

If you try these natural teeth whitening remedies, carefully follow the instructions and ensure that the item is not too rough or too acidic because it may damage your enamel. Also, stop smoking and limit the consumption of foods and beverages that can stain your teeth such as red wine, coffee, and tea.

Not all teeth respond to natural whitening. If they don’t, consult a dentist who can help you with a solution. Severely stained or damaged teeth may not whiten. It will not be effective on crowns, filling, or veneers.

Also, be patient! Results won’t appear overnight.