Fermented foods are incredibly healthy for the body. They provide the body with beneficial bacteria and yeast. These help to strengthen your gut and improve your health. But not all fermented foods are equal.

In fact, much of your immune system can actually be attributed to the flora in your digestive system. If you?re suffering from illness or inflammation, adding fermented foods to your diet can be greatly beneficial.

However, not all fermented foods are created equal. Many fermented foods you can buy commercially are processed in such a way that their nutrition is depleted.

For example, foods that are pasteurized with high heat which destroys the active cultures used to ferment the food. For example, homemade pickles are fermented and full of healthy microorganisms.

However, when you purchase a jar of pickles from the supermarket it has to be pasteurized in order to stop the fermenting process so that the pickles will be shelf stable. That means you’re not getting the healthy bacteria from the fermentation process.

Another example can be found with yogurt. Yogurt is full of active cultures. However, it’s usually made from pasteurized milk which cuts down on the nutrition. In addition, they’re usually filled with flavorings and sweeteners that reduce their nutritional value.

Much of the processing of commercially available foods eliminates the benefits of the fermentation process. But you can use traditionally fermented foods in order to improve your health.

With fermented foods you can see improvements in acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic inflammation, and a healthier immune system. Many people find that by adding fermented foods on a daily basis they have healthier skin and more energy.

You’ll want to try foods such as olives, pickles, wine, yogurt, and sauerkraut that are fermented traditionally. It’s quite easy to make your own in many cases with just a few ingredients.

Kombucha tea has also become quite popular. This is fermented black tea that is bubbly and full of healthy bacteria and yeast. You can purchase it at many natural foods stores or make your own at home in a just a few days.

There are also some traditional foods such as kimchi and natto that are eaten by Asian cultures and provide the body with many healthy gut bacteria. When you choose healthy fermented foods you?ll enjoy the great health benefits. But don’t be fooled by commercially prepared fermented foods that are actually imposters and won’t provide the same benefits.