There are some illnesses that are easily treated with antibiotics and the patient gets better. But the problem is that antibiotics aren’t capable of battling many of the superbugs that cause illness today.
These superbugs are strains of bacteria that can withstand antibiotic treatment. The bacteria learned to mutate in order to survive.
When you have a superbug that can’t be treated with antibiotics, patients can become extremely ill and are left with no means of fighting off what’s making them sick.
Some studies have shown that if something isn’t done, in a few years, superbugs will kill more people than cancer does. That problem is what led scientists and others in the field of medical study to find different solutions in order to deal with these superbugs.
One study doesn’t zero in on how to kill off these superbugs. Instead, what it focuses on is how to change the way that bacteria functions rather than trying to eliminate it. Since bacteria is naturally resistant to things that fight it, finding ways to alter it offers up the answers researches are looking for.
One of the answers to fighting superbugs is found in something that’s a derivative of cinnamon and that’s cinnamon oil. It was discovered that this essential oil could successfully hinder the process bacteria uses to cause illness.
The part of the oil that’s used is known as cinnamaldehyde. The bacteria in superbugs has the ability to produce a glue-like substance known as biofilm, which enables it to adhere.
Because of this, the bacteria can stick around despite traditional efforts at treating it. Since the bacteria has evolved and learned how to survive, regardless of the strength of the antibiotics that are used in an attempt to treat it, it’s imperative that different measures are taken.
Otherwise, the superbugs will continue to evolve and grow stronger. This is why the study on cinnamon oil has been so promising against superbugs. It’s a treatment that’s relatively inexpensive and easy to use.
Research was conducted using various strengths of the oil at various points of bacterial growth. The oil works as an antimicrobial, meaning it prevents the superbug’s growth so that it can’t flourish.
While the bacteria fights back against efforts to kill it, it doesn’t fight back against efforts to prevent its growth. This inhibition works by not letting the biofilm function the way that the bacteria needs it to.
When the bacteria can’t effectively work to form the biofilm and create their patterns of development, the sick patient can then be cured thanks to the cinnamon oil.
Because cinnamon oil is a natural treatment, patients won’t have the sometimes harsh side effects that go along with taking antibiotics.