How can you improve your life so that it makes you feel as though life is worth living? Many people are heard to say that life isn’t worth living and that is a sad state of affairs. So how can you change that and start to live well?

This can be answered in many ways, but one thing that can help you to lead a happier life is to create healthy, happy habits.

Develop Habits for Positive Changes

When you form a new habit it makes you act and behave in a certain way. The associated behaviors are then automatic. You don’t even have to think about it. You need to develop the right habits that will bring positive changes to your life. Here are some of the different habits you can build on to start living better.

Build Healthy Relationships with Positive People

There’s an old proverb, ‘Tell me who your friends are, and I will tell you who you are.’ If you are with people who are negative and unhappy most of the time, you will most likely be the same. You usually end up becoming like the people you spend the most time with.

If you surround yourself with positive people, you will develop healthier relationships that will help boost your mood, self-esteem, and confidence. Spend time with the people who will lift you emotionally, support you, and help you develop and grow.

At all costs, avoid toxic relationships, which can damage your self-worth. These types of people will not put you on the path to living well.

Spend Time By Yourself

It’s great to be surrounded by positive people, but you also need to spend some quiet time during the day, with just yourself. You need this time to reflect and relax. You can be more mindful of your day and how you are spending it. Use this time wisely as it is your time, no one else’s.

If possible, to get even more value from this quiet time, spend it outside if you can. Get some sunlight and breathe in the fresh air. Nature can boost your mental well-being, relieve your stress, and put you in a good mood.

When you are evaluating your time, distinguish urgent versus essential and things that can wait. You don’t always have to be busy to say that you’re living a meaningful and purposeful life. This is why you need to make some quiet time for yourself.

Love Yourself More and Embrace Your Imperfections

Nobody’s perfect on the inside or the outside, and that’s okay! We’re not meant to be. Don’t dwell on what you’re lacking or what mistakes you have made. Instead, embrace yourself, flaws and all, and love all your flaws while you are at it. If you don’t love yourself, how can you love others, or let others love you?

Of course, embracing your imperfections doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t try to continue to improve yourself. You just need to focus more on the positive and continue learning.

Learning is an eternal mission. It’s important to keep on learning, trying new things, to challenge yourself.

You’ll lead a happier life when you can do what you want to do, even if that means getting out of your comfort zone. In learning, you’ll realize that you are even more capable of things you never thought possible.

Laugh More

As the saying goes, laughter is the best medicine! It boosts your mood and makes you feel positive. Aside from reducing stress and improving your emotions, laughter can also boost your immune system and reduce pain.

You feel motivated, hopeful, and less burdened when you laugh more. It makes your personality attractive to others, which helps you connect with the right people and build healthy relationships.

Find humor in your life every day, and you’ll live longer too! Imagine living longer because of living well and being happier. That’s certainly a win-win.

Practice Gratitude and Forgiveness

It’s in the little things that we find greater satisfaction. When you’re happy with what you have, you live well. The key is gratitude. Always be thankful for all that you have, no matter how big or small. You’ll realize that you are blessed and loved, and that’s enough to make your life worth living.

You also need to practice forgiveness, because if you want to live well, you need to avoid holding on to grudges. Learn to forgive others, and more importantly, learn to forgive yourself. Regrets won’t improve your life.

Break Bad Habits – Unplug From Technology

Being constantly plugged into an online source can drain your energy, physically and emotionally. Unplugging can boost your health and well-being, preventing stress and burnout.

If you’re working from home, set a specific work schedule so you can separate your work and personal life. Don’t be tempted to check your work emails when you’ve already called it a day.
Stop browsing social media frequently, which can become a rabbit hole and a regular source of stress. Scrolling through feeds is like running in life. STOP. What others are doing is no concern of yours. Don’t let their bragging, stupidity, and problems affect you.

When you unplug, you allow yourself to breathe and relax. If you are someone that struggles with wanting to keep up with other people’s ‘showy days’ on social media, you will feel less burdened in trying to keep up with everyone else, once you learn to disconnect.

Living well depends on the habits you form in your life. Develop good habits that can lift you, boost your self-esteem, and allow you to love others and build great relationships. Break the bad habits that drag you down and cause you stress.