Dangers of Beta Blockers and Calcium Channel Blockers

Disturbing and Dangerous Side Effects of Beta Blockers and Calcium Channel Blockers

Calcium channel blockers are a group of drugs that keep calcium from being absorbed by your blood vessels. This keeps them relaxed and reduces blood pressure.

However, there have been research studies that show that calcium channel blockers can actually increase your risk of death from heart disease.

Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers are common drugs used to lower blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing heart disease. High blood pressure is a risk that can greatly increase your risk of having a heart attack or stroke, so it’s important that you address it.

However, taking beta blockers and calcium channel blockers over a long period of time can lead to dangerous and debilitating side effects. One of the most serious problems is that beta blockers can actually cause your heart muscle to become weaker.

They can also cause your blood vessels to become weaker. While this lowers blood pressure it can cause more serious problems with your circulation. Beta blockers also can cause impotence, fatigue, and can also cause your cholesterol levels to increase.These drugs are dangerous and don’t actually address the cause of high blood pressure. The good news is that you don’t have to resort to these drugs in order to experience a reduction in your blood pressure.

Positive Alternative Therapies for Beta Blockers and Calcium Channel Blockers

There are many natural therapies that can help to reduce your blood pressure without dangerous side effects. One of the most important things you can do is to follow an anti-inflammatory diet. This means eating whole foods as much as possible and eliminating processed foods containing preservatives, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners, and sugars. When it comes to blood pressure, you must also lower your sodium intake. But when you eat a whole food diet, you?ll naturally do so.

Drinking more water will also help your body to eliminate toxins and reduce your blood pressure. You need to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces. So, for example, a 150 pound person should drink around 75 ounces of water.

There are also three supplements that can help to lower your blood pressure naturally without side effects. Adding Co-Q10, a coenzyme that helps your body to perform processes more efficiently, can help to protect your heart. L-taurine and L-carnitine are also essential to your heart function. These are amino acids that your body needs in order to protect your cells. Taking these supplements on a daily basis is associated with decreased risk of heart attack, arrhythmia, and stroke.

Dangers of Cold & Flu Medications and Alternative Therapies

Disturbing and Dangerous Side Effects of Cold and Flu Medications

When you have a cold or the flu you feel so bad that all you want is relief. Many people then turn to over the counter medications such as ibuprofen, decongestants, and antihistamines.  The problem with using these drugs is that they actually suppress your immune system. They interfere with your body’s ability to naturally fight infections and as a result you may actually end up feeling ill for longer periods of time than if you used natural solutions.

Let’s look at some specific side effects associated with common over the counter medications. For example, ibuprofen can cause upset stomach and diarrhea. It can also cause your blood to become too thin and can interact with other medications. Acetaminophen can cause severe liver damage when used long-term. A common antihistamine diphenhydramine can cause your mucus to actually become thicker and harder to eliminate from your body. It also is well-known for causing drowsiness.

Pseudoephedrine is commonly used as a decongestant. However, it often causes people to feel nervous, dizzy, and restless. It can also cause seizures and even hallucinations. This drug also interacts with many other drugs used for blood pressure and heart disease. Many people report that it causes a fast heartbeat.

Positive Alternative Therapies for Cold and Flu Medications

It’s best to avoid over the counter cold and flu medications when you’re ill and opt for more natural solutions. It’s important, for example, to increase your consumption of water when you feel bad. Fluids will help your body to eliminate toxins and fight infection. It’s always a good idea to increase your vitamin C consumption. The best way to do this is by fresh orange juice, but you can also take supplements.

An old-fashioned remedy is chicken soup – and studies have shown that this remedy actually does help shorten the length of a cold or flu. No one is sure exactly how it does this, but it’s thought that it could be because it increases your fluid intake and that the steamy vapor helps with congestion.

You can also take colloidal silver supplements to help your body naturally fight bacteria and viruses. The supplement OPC-165 is an antioxidant supplement that can also help your body to naturally fight inflammation and reduce the length of the cold or flu.

Sambucol, a Kosher syrup you can find in many health food stores, can also be taken several times a day to help you fight viruses naturally. Olive leaf extract is another supplement that you can add to your routine when you’re feeling a cold or flu coming on.

Dangers of Coumadin or Warafarin

Disturbing and Dangerous Side Effects of Coumadin or Warfarin

Coumadin and Warfarin are blood thinners that are often prescribed to prevent blood clots from forming and causing heart attacks or strokes. They do thin the blood and keep it from clotting, but in doing so they actually have very dangerous side effects. When blood is unable to clot, you can have uncontrolled bleeding – even from a very small cut. At the same time that your blood is becoming thinner, your blood vessels and even your blood cells are becoming damaged.

You’ll also find that you bruise more easily and have problems with rashes and itching. This medication interrupts your body’s natural systems and can wreak havoc on every system of your body. Some people even experience a very serious reaction to warfarin where the skin tissue itself actually dies. When this occurs, amputation often has to be performed in order to prevent further tissue death.

Taking warfarin also requires serious diet modifications as well as frequent lab tests to monitor your blood. And it can interact with other medications you’re taking. When you take warfarin you can expect to need continuous monitoring and you can expect that over time you’ll require more and more of the medication to provide the desired effect.

Positive Alternative Therapies for Coumadin or Warfarin

With Coumadin and warfarin you actually interrupt your body’s natural ability to maintain a strong cardiovascular system. But when you use more natural approaches you can actually promote strong blood vessels and strong red blood cells.

There are several supplements you can take to naturally support healthy blood. For example, vitamin C can be taken daily to help strengthen your red blood cells. Taking at least 1,000 mg daily can help you to have stronger walls surrounding them. Taking an antioxidant supplement such as OPC 165 can also help the blood stay strong, prevent clots, and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Antioxidants help the body to naturally fight inflammation and illnesses associated with it ? such as heart disease.

Vitamin E can also help your blood vessels to stay strong. Vitamin E helps collagen to bind to the walls of your blood vessels to help them stay elastic and strong. You should take at least 400 IU of this vitamin to get the effect. At the same time, it’s also important to follow an anti-inflammatory diet that supports your heart health. It will help reduce inflammation that can lead to blood clots, high cholesterol, and weak blood vessels.

Dangers of Diuretics and Alternative Therapies

Disturbing and Dangerous Side Effects of Diuretics

Diuretics are commonly prescribed to help reduce excess fluid in the body. In some cases, these can be important and life-saving drugs. For example, if someone is experiencing congestive heart failure, diuretics can be used for a short period of time to help fluid leave the heart. But using diuretics long-term can be very dangerous. Research has shown that diuretics can lead to strokes and heart attacks when taken over a long period of time. They can also cause muscle weakness, cramps, and extreme fatigue.

Because diuretics are used to remove excess fluid from the body, they can also cause you to become dehydrated. In addition, some people have experienced an abnormal heart rhythm called arrhythmia that can be life-threatening. Diuretics can cause your electrolytes to become imbalanced and can lead to problems with your kidney function. People also experience problems with blurred vision, headaches, and excess sweating.

When someone is prescribed diuretics they must have regular blood pressure testing as well as kidney function tests which can also be expensive and time consuming. These drugs are not meant for long-term use, but many people find themselves taking them long-term.

Positive Alternative Therapies for Diuretics

Diuretics are very dangerous, but many people find that they can wean off of them by making lifestyle changes. It’s important to note, though, that if you want to wean off of these drugs you need to be supervised by a medical professional to avoid major complications.

One way to reduce your dependence on diuretics is to eat an anti-inflammatory diet. This means eliminating artificial ingredients, caffeine, processed sugar, and eating a diet based on whole foods. You’ll also need to add regular exercise to your routine. Just 30 minutes a day can help you to keep your heart healthy and eliminate the need for diuretics. Increased water intake is also critical for keeping your electrolyte levels balanced.

Many people also find that by adding vitamin C and the supplement OPC-165 they can fight conditions that require diuretics naturally. These are antioxidants that help the body to naturally fight inflammation, reverse disease, and even reverse aging. Another supplement you can add to your diet is selenium. Selenium is a mineral that’s also been shown to be an antioxidant. It can help to keep your cells from becoming damaged.

Finally, adding colloidal minerals can help reduce your dependence on diuretics. These are minerals that come from clay and research has shown them to be effective at supporting wellness and fighting disease.

Dangers of Prednisone or Cortisone and Alternative Therapies

Disturbing and Dangerous Side Effects of Prednisone or Cortisone

Prednisone and cortisone are steroids drugs that are prescribed to reduce inflammation in the body. They can be very helpful for combatting allergic reactions or acute infections when they’re used for a short period of time. When you begin taking steroids, they can help you to feel great. They stop the inflammation and symptoms that have been causing discomfort. But over time, these benefits are outweighed by the risks.

But many people are prescribed these dangerous drugs for long periods of time. When you take them chronically, prednisone and cortisone can become dangerous and actually do more harm than good. They can have severe side effects including causing high blood pressure and muscle weakness. They also cause the bones to lose calcium and can lead to osteoporosis when used long-term.

In addition, they reduce your body’s natural ability to fight infection and can actually make it harder for you to heal. That means you’re more likely to have wounds that are slow to heal and at a greater risk of becoming infected. People who take steroids long-term also have a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes because of increases in blood sugar. This can lead to even greater problem such as heart disease and stroke.

Positive Alternative Therapies for Prednisone and Cortisone

If you’ve been prescribed long-term use of these steroid drugs, it’s important that you do all you can to wean yourself off of their chronic use. The good news is that there are many things you can do to improve your health naturally and slowly reduce your dependence on steroids. It begins with following an anti-inflammatory diet that’s free from processed sugar, preservatives, trans fats, and artificial ingredients. Instead you need to eat as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible and stick to whole foods in their most natural state.

You can also add an antioxidant supplement such as OPC 165 to help your body naturally fight inflammation. In addition, an omega-3 fatty acid supplement can also help to keep inflammation at bay ? try fish oil, flaxseed oil, or Norwegian shark liver oil. You also want to add digestive enzymes and probiotics. Your digestive system is actually a huge part of your immune system and when you support it you can also prevent inflammation.

A supplement that contains calcium, magnesium, CoQ10 and enzymes that support your immune system can also be beneficial to restore your body’s natural ability to fight infection.