Older adults today are faced with a barrage of illnesses that attack us we age. Today, we usually reach for a pharmaceutical or medical treatment or solution to cure all our ills, but history shows us that modern medical treatments aren’t always the right solution.

Our ancestors had to rely on alternative medicine since there were no laboratories or scientists – and the medical industry as it is today was far in the future. The wisdom we learned from past alternative types of health care includes methods that offer seniors a different way to deal with and prevent illnesses and live a long and healthy life.

Alternative methods of health care also offer a more affordable approach to treatments and there are a variety of options from which to choose. Today’s medical science has made broad strides in today’s treatments and pharmaceutical solutions, but they’re often extremely costly and sometimes do more harm than good.

Medical treatments for certain illnesses could wipe out savings that seniors have worked a lifetime for. Alternative health care methods provide a more natural solution for many of the serious health issues that strike seniors for a fraction of the cost.

Research the various methods of alternative medical options that may work for your health problems or prevention of health problems you know you’re at risk for developing. You’re likely to find some that will help keep you healthy and that will ensure a long and active life.

Why Alternative Health is Perfect for Aging Adults

Aging throws some curve-balls regarding the health of most of us – and when it does, it’s likely to be frustrating and costly to deal with. You deserve to know other paths you might take that could be more affordable, convenient, reliable and much less toxic than typical Western medicine remedies.

As you age, there are certain natural physiological changes that take place in the body. These changes may occur in various organs and could greatly affect your overall health and welfare.

Sticking to a balanced diet, performing strength-building exercises to build muscle and cardio exercises to keep your heart healthy are ways that you can prevent a barrage of illnesses from striking you at an age when you’re less apt to be able to deal with it.

But some changes to the body must be addressed as you age. Many health care professionals are happy to write out a prescription for all your aches and pains, but there are many alternative methods of treatment that may work for you and be much better for your overall health.

One appeal for alternative methods of medical treatment is that it takes a no-drug approach to healing. A criticism of alternative medicine is that it could be potentially harmful, but, when you compare alternative medical treatments to mainstream medicine, it’s clear that alternative methods can be far less dangerous and expensive.

As more mainstream medical treatments (including drugs) come under scrutiny and spike in price, more people are looking to alternative methods. The key to using alternative ways to address health ailments is to make sure you’re choosing the correct solution for the problem.

There is much research, lots of forums and scientific news on alternative medicine so you can find most of your answers quickly. Seniors who have several illnesses and take various medications should always check with a health care professional before taking any herbal or other type of remedy to be sure it won’t interfere with other treatments.

Some alternative healing methods that aging seniors may want to research include herbal remedies, acupuncture, homeopathy, crystal therapy, massage, yoga and much more. None are harmful, but all can add to your enjoyment of life.

Alternative methods are not scientific, but most have been used since ancient times for healing and preventing health problems. These alternative forms of treatment can promote healthy living – plus, add energy and happiness to your lifestyle.

Alternative Health to Ease Pain

We’re in the midst of a devastating opioid epidemic because of drug addiction associated with opioid pain relievers. Prescription drugs such as OxyContin, fentanyl, Vicodin and much more are passed out like candy among veterans and seniors experiencing pain, pain after surgery, and even for persistent headaches.

These opioid analgesics reduce the pain signals sent by the nervous system to the brain, easing your perception of how much pain you’re experiencing. They are highly addictive and when the addicts can no longer get the medication from their physicians, many turn to even more deadly drugs such as heroin.

It’s almost a habit among some seniors to reach for pain-reducing medication when experiencing a small amount of pain that would likely subside naturally in a short amount of time. Pain may also be an indication of another problem, and if it’s masked by pain killers, you may not know the real reason for it right away.

Using natural remedies for pain relief is much less toxic and less addictive than prescription medications. The bonus for using natural remedies is that they’re less expensive and easy to use.

One natural remedy that can relieve pain and help you relax is massage therapy. A licensed masseuse works to relieve body pain by applying pressure to areas of the body that are initiating the pain. The masseuse uses his or her hands, fingers, elbows, knees, feet or forearms to give you an individualized treatment designed to relieve your pain.

Herbal remedies or homeopathy also provides natural methods of pain relief and have been used throughout the centuries. There are anti-inflammatory herbs such as white willow bark which contain active compounds to relieve pain and inflammation.

Boswellia is derived from the bark of frankincense trees and is found to be especially helpful in the treatment of arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease. Be sure to consult with an herbalist (a person who has studied herbal medicine as practiced in China) to find the correct herbal mixture for you.

Acupuncture can be effectively used by seniors to alleviate pain. It’s an alternative method of relieving pain using thin needles inserted into certain areas of the body that are connected to the source of pain.

Traditional Chinese medicine uses this form of treatment for “balancing the flow of energy or life force” in your body. Western practitioners have a different viewpoint, but still respect the method for the stimulation it causes to boost the body’s natural painkillers and to elevate blood flow.

Natural remedies for relieving pain in seniors should be considered before NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) or opioid drugs are used. There are more natural methods that can replace these conventional methods.

While prescription drugs may cause the pain to disappear for a short time, the danger of becoming addicted or damaging delicate organs, natural remedies can do the same job and leave you healthier and pain free.

Stress Relief for Seniors Using Alternative Health Options

Older adults have particular types of stress associated with aging. They might have lost a spouse or friends, have a problem coping with the aging process, disappointment and frustration from medical issues and medications and social isolation.

They may also feel loneliness, boredom and financial stress from being stuck at a fixed income. Unless the stress can be managed effectively, it can have a negative impact – causing medical issues and downturn of overall health.

Rather than reaching for prescription drugs for stress and anxiety, it’s best to try some natural remedies that are proven to relieve stress. One method – meditation – is a powerful and natural method of relieving stress – and it only takes 15 or 20 minutes a day to see results.

You can meditate anywhere that you can be silent for a while and let your thoughts wander. Some meditation techniques include deep breathing which helps to calm the mind, slow heart rate and lower blood pressure.

Exercise is also a stress buster. When you’re concentrating on exercise, you’re less apt to think about stressful situations. Some forms of exercise that seniors can enjoy include yoga and tai chi.

If physically able, aerobic exercises in the form of swimming, tennis or racquet ball also helps clear the mind by releasing stress-busting endorphins from the brain. Your mood will improve and stress will melt away.

Reiki is a Japanese technique that promotes relaxation and reduces stress. The technique is based on a “life force energy” that Japanese believe helps us live. When your life force energy is reduced, illness or stress may occur. Keeping your life force energy high keeps you healthy and happy.

The reiki treatments have been described as a warm and gentle radiance flowing through your body and around it. It’s entirely safe and can work with other medical therapeutic techniques to help you relax and feel peace and well-being.

Brahmi is an herbal tonic that helps reduce stress and anxiety, improves concentration and mental acuity. Ashwaganda (Indian ginseng) is another stress-busting herbal supplement that can improve metabolism, balance hormones and promote sleep.

If you take herbal supplements for stress and anxiety, be sure that they don’t interfere with important medications you may be taking. Many of these supplements are based on Ayurveda medicine which is rooted in the history of India and can be very effective in treating depression, anxiety and stress.

Stress is a natural occurrence, but when stress becomes prolonged or unmanageable, damage to overall health may occur. Some seniors become so frustrated that they may cope with stress by drinking alcohol in excess, smoking, binge eating and drugs.

Natural remedies for stress tend to be less toxic than prescription medications.

Treating Common Senior Skin Conditions Naturally

Some common skin problems may occur as a normal part of aging while others may be a red flag of a more serious health problem. Among the more common skin issues that are part of the aging process are dry, flaking skin, easy bruising and bed sores.

Dry, flaking or peeling skin is the number one common skin issue among seniors. Oil glands tend to disappear as we age and the skin may become cracked, dry and itchy. In more severe cases the skin may bleed and become infected.

If you notice that you have this type of skin on your face, be sure to use a gentle, natural cleanser that’s formulated for dry skin. Skip the toner and opt for an aloe or Eucerin cream to moisturize. Oily creams keep the pores clogged so they can’t breathe, so try the natural route.

Also use a natural, aloe or Eucerin-based moisturizer for your entire body. Skip every day baths if you can and only bathe every other day in warm water (never hot). Cotton clothing also helps improve some skin conditions. Avoid synthetics or tight clothing.

Avoid caffeinated drinks as they tend to cause itching. Using a vaporizer or humidifier in your home is also a great idea. Getting some moisture in the air you breathe may also help you avoid dry skin and a dry and scratchy throat.

Bruising is another skin condition that may affect seniors because of blood vessels becoming more fragile. Even when bumps are relatively minor, you may bruise easily because of the reduction of blood flow to the area. Apply a cold compress on the bruised area.

You should know that some non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as Advil, naproxen and ibuprofen can cause easy bruising. Seek medical advice if you suspect that the bruising is from medicines that reduce clotting of the blood (blood thinners).

Seniors often get bed sores from lying in bed in the same position for long periods of time. Pressure sores or ulcers may also occur if a person is mostly confined to a bed or sitting in a chair for long periods of time.

The best treatment for these types of conditions involves easing pressure on the affected area of the body, cleaning the wound to remove dead tissue and use a moist dressing on the wound to prevent infection.

Shingles is an especially painful and annoying viral disease that comes about from the chickenpox virus. There will be tingling, numbness, burning and blisters and it may leave scaring from the blisters if not properly treated.

There are several natural treatment options available that have no side effects. Elderberry, Propolis, golden seal and Echinacea are the most used herbs for shingles pain and can be brewed into a tea to drink.

A topical treatment using cooked oatmeal or damp clay may be used rather than calamine lotion and relieves the itching and burning immediately besides having extra drying properties.

Psoriasis strikes young and old alike. The symptoms are red, patchy skin with scales and happen when the immune system causes skin cells to grow rapidly. These patches may appear on elbows, knees, scalp and lower back.

A hot Epsom salts bath with an after treatment of olive oil is very effective as a home remedy for psoriasis. Seawater baths (or an application of seawater on affected areas) are also beneficial.

Use mudpacks to absorb toxins and remove them from the affected area. Cabbage leaves, washed and with the thick veins removed may also be used as an effective compress for Psoriasis.

Natural remedies for skin conditions can be found online and in books. Remember that certain skin conditions may be the precursor to other health problems such as skin cancer, liver disease, heart disease and diabetes.

Energy Boosters from Natural Remedies

Older adults sometimes experience fatigue like they never knew before even with a great diet and exercise. A few simple and natural remedies could be the answer to this annoying problem that keeps seniors in bed or on the sofa rather than taking part in life.

Scents such as jasmine, peppermint, lemon, cinnamon and orange can be just the whiff you need to boost your energy, motivation and mental acuity. Peppermint is known to increase the running speed of athletes and increase the speed of office workers.

If you’re a senior who has trouble with fatigue, try a drink of water with fresh-squeezed lemon for an energy booster in the morning rather than caffeine. Caffeine causes your body to lose its water reserves, minerals and electrolytes.

This refreshing lemon/water drink stimulates energy by oxygenating and hydrating the body. It produces “clean energy” that is free of the oxidative stress we experience when we drink caffeine.

Apple cider vinegar may also be added to the lemon-water drink to boost your natural enzymes and also acts as an antioxidant. The citric acid of the lemon can also help to clear out calcium stones that are harmful to kidneys and the pancreas.

Green tea is another energy booster that can also promote weight loss. The active compound (EGCG) in green tea is the perfect boost for an afternoon slump. Or, recharge your energy batteries with a smoothie containing such energy boosting ingredients as kale, spinach, grapes, oranges and bananas.

Other herbal teas that might help increase your energy level include ginseng and ginger teas. Try one of these herbal teas between meals rather than a sugary or carb-filled snack to give you energy rather than an afternoon slump.

If you’re constantly fatigued, you may have iron-deficiency anemia, which is common in seniors. Iron produces the hemoglobin which carries oxygen throughout the body and in turn, produces energy. You may need to take iron supplements.

And, finally there is the smartest snack for boosting energy – the apple. Keep apples at home to munch on during the day when you feel your energy wane. Apples are full of fiber and vitamin C.

Natural Dietary Therapy for Aging Adults

Diet plays an important part in seniors’ health. Age brings on many issues to our bodies and minds that we have to deal with. Adhering to a healthy diet boosts the potential of living a long and active life without those issues.

Many seniors are plagued with stomach issues such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diverticulosis, constipation and other types of inflammatory, gastrointestinal problems. A diet high in fiber and other helpful components can lessen the impact of those issues and keep the problems from becoming even more harmful.

As seniors slow down because of retirement, aching joints and other maladies, metabolism also slows down and the weight begins to creep up. Besides the quantity of food eaten, seniors should also eat a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits and whole grain to keep the weight off.

Sugars and saturated fats should be avoided and plenty of fluids should be consumed on a daily basis to keep hydrated. Overall calories must also be considered and as we age, the calories need to decrease, but nutrients usually need to increase.

A healthy and natural diet plan for seniors should also include protein, foods containing vitamin D and calcium, protein, vitamin B12 and folic acid and antioxidants. All of that may be difficult to consume as needed, so supplements should be added to your diet.

Diseases that affect seniors include heart disease, high blood pressure and high cholesterol, memory issues, osteoporosis, cancer and visual issues. These and other problems can be vastly impacted by diet.

There may also need to be certain diet restrictions such as salt. The type of dietary therapy recommended for seniors depends on the issues they face. For example, if heart or cardiovascular disease is present, seniors may add certain foods to their diets and make dietary changes such as switching from saturated fats to monounsaturated fats.

If GERD (acid reflux) is an issue, the diet should be changed to avoid spicy and fatty foods before bed time. There’s no certain diet for GERD, but experimentation can make it obvious which foods trigger this disease.

Generally, dietary therapy for each problem is different and requires a different dietary plan. Check with your health care provider or nutritionist to know which foods to eat and which to avoid with your particular problem(s).

Sleep Improvement for Seniors Using Alternative Medicine

Alternative medicine has been used for centuries to help achieve more and better quality sleep. Seniors, especially, have trouble sleeping and it can seriously affect their lifestyle and quality of life.

Rather than taking toxic sleeping pill prescriptions, it’s best to try some natural methods and see if they can relieve the problem. Studies indicate that some seniors may have various vitamin, mineral, enzyme and amino acid deficiencies that may interfere with sleep.

Some deficiencies that may play a part in lack of sleep are magnesium, Vitamin B, calcium, melatonin and folic acid. If you’re deficient in one or more of these crucial elements, there are lots of nutritional supplements that may help.

Another nutritional supplement that can aid sleep is calcium contained in food. If you have a calcium deficiency you can experience restlessness and wake up several times during the night. Be sure you get plenty of this nutrient.

B vitamins act as a sedative on nerves and can. Vitamin B6 can be achieved by dissolving a couple of tablespoons of nutritional yeast in a glass of juice. Vitamin B12 treats insomnia and can be found in liver, whole grains, peanuts, walnuts, tuna and more.

Tryptophan is the amino acid found in turkey that makes people sleepy after a big Thanksgiving meal. It can also be found in milt and has a crucial role in repairing protein tissues. Tryptophan is converted to serotonin by the brain where it regulates your inner clock.

Serotonin is a sleep inducer than most people have heard of. Serotonin is derived from tryptophan, an amino acid that raises serotonin levels to help you sleep and lessen the time period required to get to sleep.

Another form of tryptophan (5-hydroxtryptophan or 5-HTP) is more effective than tryptophan because it also decreases the number of times you awaken each night. Consuming foods high in carbohydrates such as fruit juice or fruits before bedtime is the most effective way to get 5-HTP.

The sleep hormone, melatonin, is a natural secretion of the pineal gland. It’s found in plants and algae and can induce sleep with no negative side effects. But melatonin works best if your natural melatonin levels are low.

Magnesium rich foods such as kelp, cashews and brewer’s yeast may also help you sleep and reduce nervousness that keeps you from sleeping. If you want to try some of these sleep inducers, be sure they don’t conflict with other medications you may be taking.

Ayurvedic Treatments for Older Adults

Ayurvedic medicine began centuries ago in India and is now modernized to complement alternative medicine. Some therapies it includes are complex herbal compounds, surgical methods such as extracting of kidney stones and rhinoplasty.

Unlike other forms of ancient medical practices, Ayurvedic treatments have stood the test of time. Today, seniors can take advantage of the Ayurvedic practices to ensure healthy digestive, metabolic and excretion of body functions.

Ayurvedic medicine also depends a great deal on yoga, meditation and other forms of exercise. It involves plant-based treatment using fruits, bark, seeds, leaves and roots and also uses milk, some fats and minerals such as Sulphur, lead and gold.

One way that seniors can benefit from Ayurvedic treatments is to adopt the gentle form of yoga exercise. It involves stretching and deep breathing which can help the overall health and deter the aging process.

Purification and rejuvenation are hallmarks of Ayurvedic beliefs. Poor diet, lack of proper sleep, pollution, stress and other build ups of toxins can lead to an unhealthy quality of life and bring on diseases that often affect the elderly.

Some treatments that might help seniors include an Abhyangam oil massage which helps to increase the flexibility of joints and muscles and also rejuvenates the skin. It also helps eyesight, sleep and relieves fatigue.

Kizhi is another form of Ayurvedic treatment that involves massage with a concoction called njavara. This mixture helps the person perspire and helps to relieve joint pain, rheumatism and bad cholesterol.

The Shirodhara treatment relieves stress and also keeps mental illnesses at bay. This treatment uses warm oil, dropped continuously on a person’s forehead for about half an hour and helps the person relax.

Shirodhara also relieves stress, hypertension and many other maladies that are common among seniors. There are so many ways and treatment options that can help seniors avoid diseases and live a long and healthy life.

Research more about Ayurvedic treatments and use common sense to select one or more of these alternative methods that may help you.

Glossary of Alternative Options for Older Adults

Baby boomers are especially open to using alternative health options to prevent and treat diseases and other problems. Sometimes there are so many options they can become confusing. Here are some popular techniques for alternative health you may want to research:

Ayurvedic Medicine

An ancient form of medicine that has been modernized to fit our lifestyles of today. It’s based on the belief that you must have a good balance of spirit, mind and body. It may include massage, aromatherapy, exercise, herbs and diet.


A physiological process to give you greater awareness of your body’s functions. These valuable sessions eventually provide you with the ability to manipulate your mind and body for better health and mental acuity.


This form of alternative medicine addresses the musculoskeletal system – mainly the spine – and uses manipulation techniques to diagnose and treat the mechanical disorders that keep you from enjoying life.


Far from the “quackery” that people used to believe it was, the use of crystals to create healing energy is now thought to have relevance in the arena of healing. The technique works by placing a particular crystal (chosen for the type of healing needed) on varying points of the body. It enhances stability and balance and stimulates the body’s healing abilities.

Homeopathy Treatments

Homeopathy treatments is based on the belief that the body can heal itself. Homeopathic practitioners use plants, minerals in pill or liquid form to treat diseases. Research shows that these medicines can be very effective.

Meditation for Healing

When you learn techniques of meditation, powerful healing can take place. It’s believed that meditation increases life energy (prana) and it can speed recovery by clearing the mind and giving it a chance to heal illnesses.


A type of Japanese massage technique used for relaxation, relieving stress and promoting healing. It involves the “laying on of hands” but can be done from afar, too – to increase your life force energy that keeps you happy and healthy.

Tai Chi and Yoga

Involves balance, energy and memory. The healing benefits of these two techniques are well known and can enhance flexibility of the body and enjoyment of life. Deep breathing is a method involved in both techniques.

Vitamins and Minerals

These two elements determine the overall health and well-being of your body and mind. Unless the two are balanced, your body will react by developing diseases or malfunctions that may affect your lifestyle. Vitamin and mineral therapy is administered after tests to determine which ones are low.

Alternative medicine can be a good choice for two reasons – first, these methods don’t have the same toxic reactions and results as conventional medicine. Second, is that many of these alternative methods are now being resurrected to provide a better and gentler way to keep our health and results are very encouraging.

Keep an open mind to alternative methods of healing and prevention of diseases and research the techniques to determine which might be best for you.

When Should You Pair Alternative Medicine with Traditional?

Alternative medicine is becoming more popular in mainstream medicine as more scientists and physicians are discovering the vast benefits of these ancient practices. Many of the traditional medical techniques are now being paired with alternative methods.

As more is discovered in the mind-body connection, traditional medicine is more likely to promote of alternative mind techniques such as biofeedback in healing the body and recovering from diseases and surgery more quickly.

Manipulative body practices are now being recommended as viable solutions to invasive surgery and most practitioners have come to realize that there is a certain type of energy that flows through your body. If that energy becomes blocked, the body’s balance is challenged and you may become ill.

Some doctors are hesitant about using alternative medicine techniques because they have never received training in those areas. Until more scientific evidence is revealed, physicians will continue recommending the conventional methods.

While conventional medical research is highly funded, alternative medicine methods are underfunded so it’s taking longer to perform the necessary trials and gather scientific evidence.

If you think you’d like to try some of the more unconventional methods of treatment, attempt to work with your own doctor so that you understand the benefits and the risks of certain treatments.

Always check with your doctor about alternative medical treatments if you are pregnant, have specific medical issues or are taking prescription medications. Always keep your doctor informed about dietary and herbal supplements and alternative medical methods you may be using.

Research the alternative methods you may want to try thoroughly and make common sense decisions about those you choose to try. Alternative medicine offers a wide spectrum of therapies and treatments. You’re sure to find one that fits your lifestyle and beliefs.