If you have sustained an injury recently, such as to your knee or ankle, you might find it hard getting up and moving like you used to. Before you get serious about your fitness, it is important that you let healing take place, and you start exercising gradually. These easy workouts are going to be very helpful with this transition.

Water Aerobics

When you are looking up fitness with injuries, one thing you will notice a lot is swimming. This is because when you are in a pool, there is no stress or tension on any part of your body.

This is good for any type of injury, even your feet and ankles since the water is helping support your body’s weight even while your feet are on the ground of the pool. Water aerobics helps you burn more fat and calories and keeps your body fit while in the pool.

Floor Workouts

Depending on the type of injury you have, floor workouts can work really well to get you moving without putting too much tension on the injured area. For example, if you broke your foot, and it is in a cast, you can probably still lay on your back and do quite a few of the Pilates moves. Yoga is typically a floor workout you can do with certain injuries, just making some modifications to the more difficult moves.


Walking is going to be your new best friend when you try to pick up exercising after an injury. The majority of injuries can still handle some light walking, including injuries of the hip, knees, and feet. While you do want to start a little slower with injuries related to your legs and hips, this doesn’t mean you should skip it altogether. Just start with a short 5 or 10-minute walk, then gradually increase how far you go over time. If you have a foot, ankle, or knee injury, avoid stairs and steep inclines until the healing progresses a little further.


If you want to stay off your feet, but you can still place them on something (like a pedal), then the cycling machine can be good for you. This is going to keep your back upright if you have a back injury, and your feet and ankles aren’t moving around too much or putting stress on them, since your leg muscles do most of the work.