The human body is an amazing work that we can sculpt and mold as we wish. Some people strive for buxom and soft figures, whereas others work to have the biggest muscles possible.

Somewhere in between these two ends of the spectrum, we have average, toned, and lean bodies. In order to understand how we can alter our bodies, we must first understand how our muscles are built.

How Do We Build Muscle?

Our body is full of muscles; muscles are what make everything work. From the pumping of your heart to the striding of your legs—muscles are responsible. We have 650 skeletal muscles in our bodies, and these grow by a natural process.

The process begins with the exhaustion and tearing of muscles during strength training and weight lifting; the body then repairs these muscle fibers, forming new muscle mass, or myofibrils.

This process of repair happens after the workout, whereas during the workout we see growth stimulated by satellite cells. Satellite cells will provide muscle cells with more nuclei, allowing for direct growth of myofibrils. Either way, your muscles are growing during and after your workout due to the use of your muscles.

Setting Muscular Goals

When starting or continuing a fitness plan it is important to set certain goals. By setting ideal goals, you are able to highlight the perfect steps to take in achieving your desired result.

When it comes to building muscle, the diet and workout routine of a person looking to build lean mass will differ greatly from that of someone want to bulk up. Someone looking to stay lean will want to implement repetitive and low-resistance exercises. On the other hand, someone wanting to bulk up will work on focus on specific muscle sets. If you are looking to build lean muscle mass by eating keep reading!

How to Build Lean Mass by Eating Properly

Your diet to build lean muscle mass should always include high quality foods in sufficient quantities. One of the most common pitfalls when one is trying to make muscular gains is not eating enough of the right kind of calories.

Getting enough calories is important because you are fueling your workouts, as well as your metabolism. When looking to get lean you want to cut calories, but also keep your body fueled. Find the balance in your diet to keep your metabolism efficiently functioning while still encouraging weight loss or lean muscle gain.

In addition to optimizing your calorie intake, you also should be mindful of what is making up these varied calories. Ditch trending diet fads and stick to basic whole and clean ingredients. Eating unprocessed food will support your muscular goals naturally. Whole foods will also supply you with enormous amounts of energy for everyday activities, and will give your body all the nutrients that it needs to survive AND thrive.

Your calories should be made up of a healthy balance of macronutrients and micronutrients.

6 Amazing Foods to Build Lean Muscle Mass

1- Greek yogurt – This is a great source of protein and probiotics like plain yogurt, but packs a punch of 20 grams of protein per cup with less carbs, too. Protein is important in any weight routine.

2 – Organic milk – Organic milk is bounding with many more nutrients than conventional milk. Drinking a recommended amount of milk is a good way to get whey, casein, and omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. It makes you stronger!

3 – Wheat germ – This source of important fiber, protein, and amino acids is greatly beneficial. It is a powder that can be added to any dish, cooking oil, or even pre-workout shake. The zinc, potassium, and other rich vitamins make the calories count.

4 – Spinach – Another type of amino acid rich food that can be great in lean muscle growth. This green is plentiful in glutamine.

5 – Beets – Produce with vibrant color like beets are usually plentiful in nutrients. Beets are a great was to get betaine in your diet, which improves liver and joint repair. There are also studies that link between muscle strength with betaine. Beets also have potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus.

6 – Quinoa – This super food contains lean protein for muscle growth with almost no fat, which makes it a superior food for building lean muscle mass.