Everybody wants to be healthier and feel better and some of us are willing to try anything. But, have you heard of “energy healing?”

Energy healing is the basis of many ancient medical and mystic techniques in the Indian and Pacific regions. It’s easy to get into and hard to master.

The Basics of All Energy Healing

Energy healing is based on the idea that the human body is, in a sense, powered and sustained by energy. This energy has different names in different traditions but most readers today might best understand it as the soul, or as “life.”

This energy concentrates in certain parts of the body, usually called “chakras.” Most of the major chakras are lined up from the top of the head to the bottom of the pelvic region but there are also more minor chakras spread throughout the body, usually at the sites of joints. Energy flows between these chakras along various channels.

All energy healing works on the basic idea that if energy is allowed to concentrate in one area, or if it doesn’t flow properly along the predefined channels, the human mind and body can be affected. Where the major schools of energy healing differ is in how they approach this energy.

Chakras and Acupuncture

The concept of chakras and the related concepts of acupuncture are at least vaguely familiar to most people, and so they make a good place to start.

The basics of these studies come from the religious texts of ancient Indian civilizations. As mentioned above, they involve the concept of energy centers and channels that circulate energy throughout the body. Each of the chakras is associated with a different emotion or trait set.

None of the tendencies or traits are bad on their own but if energy is not circulating between the chakras the way that it should be, it can result in a surfeit or deficit of otherwise healthy emotions or traits.

This can lead to mental health, or even physical health problems. These can be cured by redirecting the energies back to their proper distributions and courses.

If an individual is healthy enough and aware enough to notice their own problems, they can often attempt to realign their own energies through meditations. If their condition is too advanced, they may visit a practitioner who uses acupuncture needles placed at intersections of energy channels to realign the flow of energy and relieve symptoms.

Ideally, however, the individual will maintain healthy energy flows by maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle including regular meditation and physical activity.

Despite being an ancient “pseudo-science,” acupuncture has never been discredited, though it has also never been explained to the satisfaction of “western” science. As a result, it is somewhat widely available and may even be diagnosed to deal with symptoms like chronic pain.

Similarly, ancient practices to maintain the energies, like yoga and tai chi, are gaining popularity around the world and have been found to have certifiable benefits to emotional and physical health.

The Ancient Art of Reiki

Another form of energy healing, called “Reiki” starts from a similar place of understanding but moves in a slightly different direction.

Reiki practitioners believe that energy concentrates in chakras and that that energy must freely flow through the appropriate channels. They believe, however, that the energies flowing through different people can interact with one another.

As a result, a person who understands the energy and has healthy energy themselves can then manipulate the energies of unhealthy people to restore them to health.

Reiki practitioners do not enjoy the popularity or respect of acupuncture therapists in most parts of the world, though they can be found and some people do stand by their ability to heal.

Whether or not you believe in the more spiritual aspect of Reiki, some credit it as being one of the precursors to modern chiropractic medicine.


The final form of energy healing that we will discuss today has to do with crystals. It is probably a later development in the long history of energy healing, as crystals were more important mystical artifacts to Western Europeans than to other cultures.

However, crystals have along the way collected much of the basic understanding of healing that come from the Indo-Asiatic traditions.

Crystals are believed by many to generate, absorb, and otherwise conduct energy. By holding a crystal near an energy center, or by moving the crystal between energy centers, the energy of the body can be redistributed or realigned.

Healing with crystals has less medical or scientific backing than acupuncture, or even reiki, and remains very much an occult practice. That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a wealth of information on the practice available in bookshops or online.

Many communities of even modest size also have shops where crystals can be purchased specifically for energy healing, should anyone be interested in giving it a go.

Be careful, however, as many “crystals” sold in more careless shops and online are actually plastic or glass and the wise healer will quickly learn to tell the difference and establish trustworthy sellers.

Not everybody believes in energy healing. However, it’s not at all dangerous – provided you don’t let just anybody stick you with pins. So, good luck with your entrance into the fascinating and arcane world of energy healing!