The limbic system is the part of the brain that is responsible for your emotion, memories, and drives. It is the part of your brain that is working when you feel fear or love, hunger or sexual desire, or the instinct to fight or flee.
Essential oils work by stimulating the limbic system and binding to receptors in the brain that trigger positive feelings and moods. By using essential oils you can clear your mind from stress and worry. You can also let go of addictions and compulsions. It’s possible to improve your quality of life without side effects that medications can bring.
The effect of essential oils can be very strong. Therefore, it’s important that you check with your healthcare provider if you’re taking medications to make sure that these oil blends don’t negatively interact with your medication.
In most cases, aromatherapy can be used alone or in concert with other interventions to support your health and wellness. Many people find that diffusing essential oils or adding them to personal care products is a simple and effective way to bring relief.
Aromatherapy to Release Obsessions & Compulsions
When you find that you fixate on thoughts or have compulsions you can’t seem to control, essential oils can help you to have relief from your impulses. This blend is particularly useful for allowing you to remain in the present moment.
Use a 10 ml roller bottle (available on Amazon) and mix the following oils:
20 drops of patchouli
7 drops Spruce
7 drops Ho Wood
7 drops Frankincense
7 drops Blue Tansy
7 drops Blue Chamomile
This is also available as doTerra’s Grounding Blend.
Combine all these into the roller bottle and fill the remainder with Fractionated Coconut Oil.
Diffuse aromatically if possible. Apply behind the ears, onto wrists and bottom of feet, too. Apply 2 – 3 times a day to keep compulsions away!
Essential Oils Blend to Clear the Mind
Lift the fog of muddled thinking and improve focus with this blend:
3 drops Frankincense
3 drops Ylan Ylang
2 drops Cedarwood
2 drops Melissa
5 drops Wild Orange
Combine all these into a 10 ml roller bottle and fill the remainder with Fractionated Coconut Oil. Roll onto forehead, back of neck and wrists.
3 Blends to Calm Bipolar Tendencies
If you struggle with bipolar tendencies such as long periods of depression followed by episodes of manic energy you’ll find these formulas helpful in stabilizing your mood.
These are best used aromatically by diffusing or by rubbing in the palm of the hands and inhaling the essence.
Blend #1: 3 drops of bergamot and 2 drops clary sage
Blend #2: 1 drop of lavender, 1 drop ylang ylang and 3 drops of grapefruit.
Blend #3: 2 drops of frankincense, 1 drop lemon and 2 drops of jasmine
By using these essential oil blends you can work toward better physical and mental health by activating the areas of the brain responsible for stable moods and positive emotions and drives.