If you are someone that suffers from seasonal allergies, you know how frustrating it can be. The symptoms – including coughing, sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat, and often headaches and nausea – are horrible to deal with. The regular medications you take to help treat allergies are often very harsh on your body – not making you feel much better.

Another option available to you is to turn to natural remedies. One of the top natural remedies for allergies is by using essential oils.

There are many essential oils that help reduce the side effects and symptoms experienced from allergies, while others help prevent the reaction in the first place.

This report is going to cover the following 10 essential oils to be used for allergies:

  • Peppermint
  • Frankincense
  • Lemon
  • Chamomile
  • Eucalyptus
  • Tea Tree
  • Bergamot
  • Lemongrass
  • Lavender
  • Basil

You will also notice that each of these essential oils helps with more than just allergies, but provides a lot of other natural remedies as well. They can also be used in various ways, from adding them to your bath to using them in a diffuser or neti pot.

1 – Peppermint

A large percentage of people struggle with allergies, but what can they do? Some people chose to buy expensive products that have a host of side effects. Others simply live in coughing, sneezy misery with no answers.

Fortunately, those who have been spending time researching some of the natural methods of dealing with allergies have discovered some amazing way that essential oils can help manage your allergies. Let’s explore a few ways that peppermint can help you deal with allergies.

What It Can Do

A major reason peppermint essential oil is so crucial for allergies is because it can naturally reduce inflammation, which can be a source of much of the discomfort created by allergies.

Essential oils also boost the immune system which can help you to fight any foreign agents causing the allergic reaction. Inhaling peppermint oil can help to open sinuses, making breathing easier. Peppermint excels in its ability to be an expectorant, by helping the body to get rid of mucous and limit inflammation.

Peppermint also helps you to be able to control the muscular spasms that cause coughing.

How You Can Use It

The best way to gain the effects of peppermint oil, would be to place it into a diffuser. Place 5 drops of essential oil into a diffuser, this will aid with cough and congestion. It will also help to relax nasal muscles, which will lead to an ease of symptoms.

You can also take some drops of peppermint internally to help you to fight inflammation. It can be added to drinks like tea, water, or juice. You can also apply it to the back of the neck, or chest. If you have sensitive skin, you can also add it to another oil like jojoba oil or coconut oil.

2 – Frankincense

Have you ever thought about using an essential oil to help limit your allergy symptoms? Essential oils have a wide range of benefits that are inherent to their base materials. These marvelous oils carry massive benefits that have been documented by people for thousands of years.

This can be an excellent alternative for anyone who may be unable to use, or have chosen not to use traditional over the counter or prescription medication. Can frankincense work for you?

What Can You Do with Frankincense

Frankincense is one of the most commonly used essential oils for aromatherapy. This is due to its powerful calming effects. Much of this is due to its specific ability to interact with the limbic system of the brain. This system is responsible for the function of the nervous system.

Frankincense also can fight agents that can cause allergic reactions. A lot of this is achieved by working to reduce inflammation in the respiratory system. Some people choose to add frankincense to a carrier oil, even though it isn’t completely needed. Frankincense can be applied directly to the skin.

How You Use Frankincense

One of the best ways you can use Frankincense, is to add 5 – 6 drops to a very hot bath. This will work as you breathe it in, while reducing scars and other skin blemishes. You can also try adding 2 – 3 drops of Frankincense to your favorite unscented lotion.

You can also use it directly on the surface of the skin, but you should be careful to monitor the area where it was applied to see how your skin reacts. It is not recommended for use on broken skin, as it could cause irritation.

3 – Lemon

As information becomes more easily accessible, people are discovering that there are effective alternatives to the traditional structure of western medicine. Blog, websites, and social media have made it possible to transmit this information around the world within moments, thus providing people who suffer various disorders with new information about the old world methods that are making a comeback.

Essential oils have been used as remedies for ailments for centuries, and this also includes common ailments such as allergies. Take a look at these ways lemon oil can be used to treat the common allergy.

What It Does

Lemon oil is great at killing airborne bacteria and limiting allergens. It also has been shown to inhibit the growth of bacteria and helps to raise the effectiveness of the immune system.

Along with its ability to help fight infections and other respiratory issues, it can also aid in the very important task of lymph drainage, which is important for the purpose of removing toxins and dead cells from the bloodstream.

It can also be used as a powerful disinfectant to remove allergens from your home.

How You Can Use It

An easy way to use lemon oil, is to add it to your water. This helps with pH balance and can help you to stay healthier. This is done by stimulating your liver and flushing out the toxins that lead to intense inflammation and illnesses caused by an overactive immune system.

Lemon oil water also helps the body to produce white blood cells that aid in the fight against harmful agents in the body. Place a couple drops in a large glass of water, or place your choice of drops in a spray for upholstery and clothes in your home to reduce the allergens.

4 – Chamomile

This amazing essential oil comes from a plant that is widely known for its use as a tea. Chamomile has been in use at least since the roman empire and is mild enough to be given to babies. But did you know that it also can help you to calm the effects of allergy symptoms?

This next section is going to be exploring the use of this marvelous essential oil, and giving you a few tips on how to use it to combat your allergies.

Uses for Chamomile Oil

This mild essential oil has many common uses, but it is notably amazing for its anti-histamine properties. It is widely known to treat a variety of allergic reactions, including those caused by stress and negative emotions. Chamomile fosters a calming effect that can help you to relax.

Chamomile oil can also help to calm skin irritations that result from allergies. Chamomile oil is well known as a mild oil that can be used with young children and infants. This is especially useful because many medications can’t be used by children under 2.

How to Take It

The most common way to take chamomile is in the form of tea, which can be added to any tea by simply dropping 2 – 3 drops into a fresh cup. It can also be added to water. For a special chamomile lemon water drink for the week, add 10 – 15 drop to a mug of water with a few slices of lemon.

Chamomile oil can also be added directly to the skin. Apply enough drops of chamomile directly to the site of concern to completely cover it. Let it sit on the skin until skin response is satisfactory. If the condition persists, contact your doctor.

5 – Eucalyptus

Nature has a surprising amount of useful substances from foods to medicines, but did you know that it also helps to provide relief from common allergy symptoms? There are a group of essential oils that have become synonymous with home remedies for all sorts of illness, but this section focuses on just one of the essential oils that has the ability to help you to fight allergy symptoms.

What Eucalyptus Can Do

This amazing oil has a variety of powerful effects that can help you deal with your allergy symptoms. Eucalyptus oil can help you to bring more circulation to your sinuses and lungs, which make it easier to breathe. The sensations that it elicits in the sinuses also helps to open them up, leading to improved respiration.

It also acts as an excellent expectorant, which helps the body to remove mucus and harmful microorganisms. Eucalyptus contains citronellal, which has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.

This marvelous essential oil helps to alleviate sore throats, dry cough, and stuffy noses. This is also an essential oil that is safe for small children and infants when used topically.

How It Works

In order to treat respiratory issues, you can try using eucalyptus oil for aromatherapy. In this sense, you are not applying it to the skin, but using it in a diffuser instead. Of course, if you want to apply it to areas where you have respiratory problems from your allergies, you can do that too.

This includes first diluting it with an appropriate oil, then applying it to your chest, nose, or temples. You can also make a simple tea by putting a few drops of the oil into a cup of hot water and add a tea bag of your choosing. If you don’t like the taste of it, add it to the hot water, then just inhale the scent to get the effects.

6 – Tea Tree

In today’s world, people have greater access to information. Knowledge about treatments for the various ailments people experience can be found with the click of a button in a search engine that will populate the page with a multitude of options that you can read and then try.

Essential oils have become a remarkable new way to use knowledge from the old world. The internet now contains information about these amazing natural medicines that you can use to help with common ailments such as allergies. Find out below how you can use tea tree oil for allergies.

What It Can Do for You

Tea tree oil has earned a reputation for being among the greatest essential oils because it is excellent at destroying many of the pathogens that cause illness. Using tea tree oil can kill bacteria, mold, and fungi spores in the air of your home, making it more difficult for them to propagate and reproduce.

This amazing essential oil also has powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that make it a useful item of any home. It can be applied directly to the skin, or used as a household cleaner to disinfect surfaces.

How to Use It

It is recommended that tea tree oil be diluted in most topical applications. Try diluting it in a robust carrier oil like jojoba or coconut oil, next add a few drops to a cotton ball to dab on the skin.

You can also place about 5 or so drops of tea tree oil into a diffuser to kill allergens in the air, and limit the growth of molds and other organisms. This will help you to combat allergy symptoms and give you a more restful sleep at night.

7 – Bergamot

News of natural medicine is among the largest percentage of the information online that is shared, and it is helping people to deal with the daily ailments they face. One the most challenging daily ailments people experience are allergies. These sudden attacks can be inconvenient and cause a loss of valuable time.

Here’s a few ideas on how you can use Bergamot oil for your allergies.

What It Can Be Used For

Bergamot is popular among the essential oils for its pleasing odor, and calming effects. Bergamot also fosters a calming spirit that leads to greater emotional wellness. When taken, bergamot can deliver neuroprotective properties. Its anti-inflammatory agents can help you to fight respiratory inflammation, which will reduce the symptoms of allergies.

One of the best things about bergamot is its pleasant odor, which is also a powerful insect repellant, as well as being an effective treatment for skin irritations and conditions like eczema and psoriasis.

How You Can Take It

You can place bergamot oil into a diffuser to help calm to mood of a room. Try putting 4 – 6 drops into the diffuser. You can also apply it directly to the skin while taking a hot shower. This will give you both the aromatherapy effects along with the skin benefits.

One of the best ways to take bergamot is to put it into tea, or switch your tea to Earl Grey, which contains a large amount of bergamot. You can also add 5 – 7 drops of bergamot essential oil to a hot bath for its general effects.

8 – Lemongrass

When it’s allergy season, it can be a miserable time for allergy sufferers. Some people afflicted with intense allergic reactions will lose work, sleep, and valuable time because of the difficulties created by respiratory issues.

Some people will spend hundreds on expensive allergy medications so that they can have a normal quality of life, but others may want to dig deeper and find a strong alternative to drugs. Here are some thoughts about using lemongrass oil for allergies.

What It Can Do

Lemongrass essential oil has an amazing amount of uses. You can evaporate it into the air to kill molds, fungi, and bacteria, and that will greatly improve your response to allergens. Lemongrass has excellent anti-histamine properties, and helps to fight a wide variety of inflammations, especially those of the lungs and other sensitive areas in the respiratory system.

It’s high in minerals and delivers a high dose of the antioxidant vitamins such as B12. It’s analgesic and antimicrobial effects have been studied for over 100 years. This makes it a power ally when fighting symptoms of allergy.

How You Use It

It’s easy to add a few drops of lemongrass oil to any tea, or you can even use it as a helpful flavor additive in soups to gain its effect. You can place it on bandages to help keep the wound clean, and free it of pathogens that can cause infection.

You can mix it into clay to create a facial mask or a poultice to help with skin irritations. You can also place some drops of oil into a diffuser to gain the aromatherapy values as well as the mood enhancing properties, which help you to stay calm, and keep you relaxed.

9 – Lavender

In recent years, essential oils have become a popular way to treat all sorts of common ailments in people. With increased availability through the internet, many are now able to shop and buy oils that wouldn’t be as easy to get in their own local area.

Not only can these oils fight infections and sooth pain, but they can even relieve the discomfort caused by severe allergy symptoms. Lavender is one of the best essential for allergies due to its natural anti-histamine properties, but how do you use it?

What It is Good For

This fantastic essential oil is great for fighting allergies because it’s a natural anti-histamine. It has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, and can combat skin rashes and irritations. One of the best things about lavender oil is that it can be used in the middle of the allergic reaction.

This is great for aiding in combating a reaction that comes on suddenly due to encountering poisonous plant life. It can also reduce the occurrences of food allergies.

Some allergies can be caused by anxiety, and because lavender oil has the ability to calm the nerves and promote healthy well-being, it can help fight skin conditions like hives. If you have allergies to bug bites, then lavender can help soothe them.

How You Use It

Lavender is one of the most versatile of the essential oils. You can easily add it or use it in a variety of ways. You can add 2 – 3 drops to your tea, or add it to your water to drink. You can also add it to your diffuser so that it can mist into the air and give you it’s benefits.

For big bite allergies, place a drop of lavender directly on the site of the bite.

10 – Basil

In this modern world, people have become far more educated and aware of the drawbacks of traditional medicine’s pharmaceutical approach to treating common ailments. As the dissatisfaction with these methods becomes more common, people have begun to search for much more natural alternatives.

Essential oils have gained respect for their ability to help people deal with common ailments including the cold symptoms, allergies and flu symptoms. Here are some different ways basil essential oil can be used to help with allergies.

What It Can Do For You

One major perk of basil essential oil is its support of the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands aid in the production of nearly 50 different hormones. These hormones regulate a multitude of bodily functions that are essential.

Basil is also very good at fighting viruses and other foreign agents. Studies regarding basil oil have shown that it has powerful antimicrobial properties, which makes it a valuable asset in fighting respiratory infections that can damage your lungs and other sensitive organs.

It even kills yeast, mold, and bacteria that can be dangerous to your system. Using basil oil can improve immune response by a noticeable amount.

How to Use It

The best use of basil essential oil is to use it to fight inflammation. When you encounter allergens, you can take basil oil by adding a few drops to soup. You can also dilute a couple drops of basil oil with some coconut oil and apply it directly to the chest, back of neck and temples.

You can also add it to your salad dressing for faster anti-inflammatory action. Adding it to tea is also great for this reaction time.